Hasta la muerte......
Comments of one game: Opponent: Melker.
He was attacking, me kicking. After 3 turns of keeping his elf with the ball at the very back near his touchdown line, he finally decides to try and score. Bad luck I intercepted the throw. I advance forward. Does he chase me for the ball?
No he puts his standing elves around one of my men (the only one with no spp.LOL) and decides to foul him.
I point out that is a lame tactic considering I am on the way to score.
HIS COMMENTS: "All you Americans are stupid".
LOL - so much for not having racist comments in Fumbbl.
Well the game ended well I won of course and managed to gain quite a lot of spp after 2 of his had serious injuries and a few BH.
Moral of the story: If you cannot use any tactics then at least try to take out a good player - not the one with the lowest spp. LOL