***After losing a bet with DirtyBrian, I changed my nick from PolarFox to SneakyFox. The bet was about what team wins the FC. Obviously I was wrong betting on Elfs and Orcs. Damn dorfs from hell..***
Sort of a newcomer and I am still learning the finer details of the game. First time I played the game was probably some 10 years ago on board.
Sometimes I play fast and sometimes slow depending on my level of drunkenness. Usually my games last less than an hour to play trough, but I do reserve the right to think a bit if the situation calls for it.
I accept polite or trash talk. Just say something more than just "have fun and good luck" at the beginning and then be quiet for the rest of the game. We don't have to go out on a date or anything but I don't like getting the silent treatment.
What I find a bit annoying is to hear complaining that you lost only because of luck. That is just arrogant. If you lose, ask yourself if your own choices led to the situation. Don't blame the dice if your one dice blocks don't work everytime. The dice are innocent.
I play for the fun of it and I dislike playing against truly competitive players (since they are the ones that whine about everything).
Rules of Engagement:
#1 Fouling is perfectly acceptable form of strategy and I will definetly foul your most threatening players. It is not out of spite, but because that is the name of the game: if you can't play ball, then you must foul in order to win. Learn to live with that.
#2 If you rather stay down when surrounded, I will foul you to get you up. Don't expect that playing dead works against me.
#3 Also, if you leave your players next to the edge, I will push them to the crowd. I do not wish for them to die but I am not a charity organization giving people free advantages.
#4 Buying a star player, extra reroll, extra player or whatever after agreeing to play is acceptable since that is how it works on board too.
#5 Before you offer me a game, think whether you'd accept such a game if the roles were exchanged. If not, dont bother asking for a game. I might have a low CR but I do know what is cherry picking and what is not. Blodge zons vs. non-tackling teams is just silly. Dont try to reason how they are so fragile.
"No leader should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no leader should fight a battle simply out of pique. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. Hence the enlightened leader is heedful, and the good leader full of caution."
-Sun Tzu
Holds well in Blood Bowl too. Playing smartly and preparing for everything reduces the risk of getting injured. Also you should not play as the underdog just because you want to proof something.
Some funny moments from the channel and matches:
Select an action for Poppy Corn the Cook
Foul selected.
Poppy Corn the Cook fouls Cedric du Soleil. (3, 4) +1
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(5, 6) + 2, 6: Cedric du Soleil has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 3
Move ended for Poppy Corn the Cook
<shadow46x21> \o/
(6) Apothecary SUCCEEDS!
<Synn> \o/
<Spoony6> better
<PolarFox4> that's more like it
Brutal Bone Battalion: All players have moved.
Brutal Bone Battalion turn ended.
Julien d'Arbre rolls over.
<blu> not fouling...that's low
<Storxter5> again! again!
[03:20] Syndrome057: if someone can kill the ghost...
[03:20] Syndrome057: i would be happy
[03:21] PolarFox: How do we know he is not the real Synn and you are just impersonating him?
[03:21] TheSynnyBard: here is how you can tell polar......
[03:21] TheSynnyBard: you are still a rooster
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: :D
[03:22] PolarFox: =)
[03:22] PolarFox: yeah. That's Synn alright
[03:22] PolarFox: kick him =)
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: hell....
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: if i knew angie had a chance at kicking the wrong one..
[03:22] *** jkarr has joined #Fumbbl.
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: i would have called you a c0ck
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: oops
[03:22] PolarFox: thank God you didint
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: wrong channel
[03:22] TheSynnyBard: :D
[03:22] PolarFox: =)
[03:22] *** Mode change "+b *!Synn@108-97.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com" for channel #Fumbbl by Angie.
[03:22] *** TheSynnyBard has been kicked from #Fumbbl by Angie: Kick!
[03:23] *** Synn has been kicked from #Fumbbl by Angie:Kick!
[03:23] Angie: Sorted
[17:31] spathii: this was hard
[17:31] *** choggy_ has joined #Fumbbl.
[17:31] *** choggy has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[17:31] Synn: like polar at a boy scout convention
[17:31] Synn: ;)
[17:31] PolarFox: =)
[17:31] PolarFox: why you little..
[17:32] spathii: lol
[17:32] BowlBot: *** Bacchante 1 vs 1 Father Pete's Farm ***
[17:32] *** Guerto has joined #Fumbbl.
[17:32] *** lokisrun has signed off IRC (Quit).
[17:32] brownrob: they tell synn that a lot polar :D
[17:32] Synn: :/
[17:32] Synn: you
[17:32] *** JackDaniels has joined #Fumbbl.
[17:32] Synn: shag
[17:32] Synn: sheep
[17:32] Synn: ;)
[17:32] BowlBot: *** Big Guys do it Without Rerolls 2 vs 1 Graf Olaf und seine Igors ***
[17:32] brownrob: hehe
[17:32] *** Mode change "+b *!Synn@108-97.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com" for channel #Fumbbl by Angie|busy.
[17:32] *** Synn has been kicked from #Fumbbl by Angie|busy: Kick!
[17:32] brownrob: i love a good shag
[17:32] brownrob: rug
[17:32] PolarFox: and there we go
[17:32] *** Mode change "+b *!~brownrob@host-84-201-137-133.xdsl.lixxus.net" for channel #Fumbbl by Angie|busy.
[17:32] *** brownrob has been kicked from #Fumbbl by Angie|busy: Kick!
[17:32] *** Raiser has signed off IRC (Quit: KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia').
[17:33] BowlBot: *** ases of elves 5 vs 0 dertysaw ***
[17:33] PolarFox: and I stand victorius!
Finnish fun!
[14:27] MerryZ: meen runkkaa
[14:27] MerryZ: momo
[14:27] *** MerryZ has signed off IRC (Quit: tilt).
[14:29] UnKnown: mä en oo viittiny irkistä ton takii lähtee :/
[14:29] PolarFox: runkkaat tälläkin hetkellä?
[14:29] PolarFox: kirjoitat samaan aikaan vasemmalla kädellä
[14:30] PolarFox: ja nypläät patalappua
[14:30] UnKnown: mä tuun kato niin nopeeta ni ei tarttee aina pitkiä taukoja irkkaamisesta pitää, onneks
[14:30] PolarFox: saavut kuin vesto kanavalle kun joku mainitsee Valdemarin
[14:31] Vesto: Mitä?
Naama... need I say more?
[23:08] PolarFox: Baffona - Italian: an attractive moustachioed woman
[23:08] PolarFox: now why is that word not in English language?
[23:08] PolarFox: Rhwe - South Africa: to sleep on the floor without a mat while drunk and naked
[23:09] Naama: i've tried it, wasn't drunk though
[23:09] Naama: i mean naked :D
[23:09] Naama: LOL
[23:09] PolarFox: ...
[23:09] Naama: i guess this goes to PolarFox:s little black book :(
[23:09] PolarFox: it did
[23:11] PolarFox: bioed
[23:11] Naama: :(
[23:11] Naama: why am i playing with elves?
[23:11] PolarFox: because you are a baffona that rhwes?
[13:53] PolarFox: !8ball is JanMatty's GF a hottie?
[13:53] Nuffle: PolarFox: Absolutely!
[13:54] PolarFox: =(
[13:54] PolarFox: you bastard
[13:54] shadow46x2: !8ball does she swallow?
[13:54] Nuffle: shadow46x2: In your dreams.
[13:54] shadow46x2: get rid of her
[07:16] PolarFox: Finland has the lowest population density in EU, but also the highest density of dense people
[07:16] Synn: hahhaha
[07:16] Synn: i didn't want to say that about you
[07:16] Synn: besides
[07:16] Synn: throw out merry
[07:16] Synn: and i think you guys are of average intellegence
[20:14] Synn: writing a letter
[20:14] Synn: whats another form of not trusting someone
[20:14] Synn: like "I am ______ of your company"
[20:14] Synn: drawing a blank here
[20:14] Synn: "not trusting"
[20:15] Synn: doesn't sound right
[20:15] ThCheeseStandsAlone: Paranoia?
[20:15] PolarFox: disgusted?
[20:15] DragonsMaw: disillusioned?
[20:15] PolarFox: aroused..?
[20:15] PolarFox: suspicious?
[20:15] ThCheeseStandsAlone: KGB informant?
[20:15] Synn: no
[20:15] Synn: none of those work
[20:16] Zuul: distrustful is the word you want
[20:16] *** Zuul has been kicked from #Fumbbl by BowlBot: Please mind your language
[20:16] Hogshine: Lol
[20:16] PolarFox: =)
[20:16] *** Zuul has joined #Fumbbl.
[20:16] Synn: \o/
[20:16] Hogshine: Nicely done Synn :D
[20:16] Zuul: okay
[20:16] Zuul: Didn't know that was on the list
<EmoBee> /me prays a little to Nuffle
<gobogen61> easy peasy
<HouseT5> Maybe too easy. :P
<blu> two out of three ones is all I need :D
<gobogen61> just move the lord out of way and pass
<EmoBee> shhh
<gobogen61> don't take any other action
<deckerCKY24> but house...your sister taught me that there's no such thing as too easy
<HouseT5> And you taught my sister that there's no such thing as too fast. :P
<pv38> LOL
<PolarFox46> =)
<EmoBee> phew
<sp#44> NICE
<pv38> funny house
<PolarFox46> that was a good one
<Juff28> nice house :)
<PolarFox46> bio
<sp#44> well played House, well played
<deckerCKY24> i admit it, i'm a quick draw
[14:05] Gromblmompf: rookie sfc or death!
[14:05] * SneakyFox chooses death
[14:06] * GoblinArcher stabs SneakyFox in the eye with a pointy object
[14:06] * SneakyFox is in pain but still lives
[14:06] * Mezir decapitates SneakyFox and puts his head on a pike
[14:06] * SneakyFox is feeling slightly uncomfortable but still lives
[14:06] * GoblinArcher forces SneakyFox to listen to Teletubbies.
[14:07] * SneakyFox dies
[14:08] * Ameranth spins the wheel of reincarnation for fox and watches it land on 'care bear'
[14:09] * SneakyFox comes back as "intensive care bear"
[14:10] Ameranth: with your luck, youd come back as a rape investigators dolly... spend eternity having people point where synn and spoony touched them :)
[23:49] paulIG: AAARRRGH
[23:49] *** paulIG is now known as paulhicks.
[23:50] paulhicks: fought my way through crappy dice to at least earn some spps and get a couple of kills... and rostern suddenly realises at the end he played my team last
[23:51] paulhicks: right thats it... im gonna take out my frustrations by having angry sex
[23:51] SneakyFox: lol
[23:51]*** paulhicks is now known as paulBackIn30Seconds.
[03:56] wuhan: !8ball will the UK invade iceland?
[03:56] Nuffle: wuhan: Could be, could be.
[03:58] SneakyFox: !8ball will Russia invade Iceland?
[03:58] Nuffle: SneakyFox: Could be, could be.
[03:58] SneakyFox: being mysterious today, are we?
[03:58] SneakyFox: !8ball what about Finland then?
[03:58] Nuffle: SneakyFox: In your dreams.
[03:58] SneakyFox: he got me there
[03:59] SneakyFox: !8ball then surely Americans will want to expand their sphere of influence there?
[03:59] Nuffle: SneakyFox: In your dreams.
[03:59] SneakyFox: !8ball Switzerland then?
[03:59] Nuffle: SneakyFox: Could be, could be.
[04:00] SneakyFox: !8ball will anyone invade Iceland?
[04:00] Nuffle: SneakyFox: Absolutely!
[04:00] SneakyFox: well damn
[04:00] SneakyFox: have to keep guessing then
[04:00] SneakyFox: !8ball Iran?
[04:00] Nuffle: SneakyFox: In your dreams.
[04:01] SneakyFox: !8ball Ireland...?
[04:01] Nuffle: SneakyFox: Not a chance.
[04:01] SneakyFox: !8ball surely not Sweden...?
[04:01] Nuffle: SneakyFox: Absolutely!