From the misty mountains of Wales, well, Cardiff anyway - where binge drinking, Valley's commando baiting and football violence are rife, everything a keen Bloodbowl coach needs for inspiration.
My quickest game ever Rampage B.F.C 1 - 0 Altdorfs 1st Footregiment
And I didn't even get to score :(
My second quickest game ever Rampage B.F.C 1 - 0 Free spirit elves
and i didn't even get to score :(
All in the space of 2 matches, an odd week...
My first win with my ogre team Fraggles Rock
Fraggles_Rock 2 - 1 Soul Rippers
Also, officially for the record this game is where I scored my flukiest and most ridiculous TD ever in the entire 2 and a half years I have been playing on Fumbbl. A true ninja dice rolling no reroll 2 and a half minutes of turn 8 glory. Man i love this game.
God i love Ogres, modest stupidity combined with moments of sheer long shot flukey genius.
In the words of the great Hanibal Smith ' I love it when a plan comes together.'