Recently returned from a deep space banana collecting mission on the planet Uranus, Alfonso was sacked from the space programme after fondling fellow astronauts and continually scratching his nether regions in public. A now disgruntled employee, he wreaked a bloody and violent revenge on NASA and it's scientists with the help of his gorilla chum Gay Gus, killing over 1/3 of of NASA staff and stealing all their light-fittings. Currently wanted by the FBI, and Interpol for the near fatal mugging of Mickey Mouse in Disneyland Paris, Alfonso fled to Britain where he bought a new identity and started work as a bloodbowl coach hoping to evade the authorities hot on his tail. A violent criminal with a taste for tight fitting ladies underwear, he should not be approached under any circumstances and remains at large, although S Wales police suspect he may be the mastermind behind the recent spate of banana thefts across the UK and are currently pursuing enquiries.