If we're not both having fun, what's the point?
Play Style: I am a move the ball first and formost kind of guy and any harm I cause your team on the way is a pleasant bonus. This makes me a natural Elf player, so of course my favorite team is... Orcs! I don't know why, I just really like the big green guys. I also tend to overthink at times and this can make me a slow player. It tends to even out with some of my faster plays, but if you're looking for a quick game, I'm probably not your guy. I make the rare tactical or revenge foul, but rarely see the point... I will however stall like crazy if the opportunity presents itself and it can win me the game. That being said, I'd rather score quick in most situations as another drive is almost always more fun than the stall!
Quick Bio: I've owned a Bloodbowl set since 1993. I ended up playing a lot more Warhammer Fantasy since then... but I still managed to run two fairly sucessful BB leagues and teach quite a few people the game. I recently became a stay at home Dad and am very excited to have found this online Blood Bowl community!