Three lines that sum up my entire playstyle:
(20:42:39) (Meltyman) why you go on gamefinder
(20:42:44) (Meltyman) if you dont play fair games :P
(20:43:01) (TheSpoonyBard) cuz I'm a filthy filthy cherrypicker, okay?
[15:36] <Plorg> paranoia is like syphilis... it makes you blind, drives you crazy, and you get it from Synn.
[01:46] <shadow46x2> hmmm
[01:46] <shadow46x2> someone cuss
[01:46] <shadow46x2> it's the quickest way to wake up the admins
[01:46] <TheSpoonyBard> S*** EATING SON OF A B****
[01:46] <TheSpoonyBard> B******
[01:46] <shadow46x2> :)
[01:46] <shadow46x2> thank you bard :)
[01:46] <TheSpoonyBard> D********
[01:46] <shadow46x2> <3
[01:46] <TheSpoonyBard> T***
[01:46] <shadow46x2> no d******** doesn't work
[01:47] <shadow46x2> i'd have been banned log ago if that were the case
[01:47] <TheSpoonyBard> oh
[01:47] <Curro> heh
[01:47] <Curro> you'll see when Malthor wakes up
[01:47] <shadow46x2> they need to wake up *NOW*
[01:47] <Curro> or at lest you'll see the kick coming
[02:17] *** you were kicked from #Fumbbl by Malthor (I woke up)
[21:32] <jtcreds> Can someone help I had to conceded a game and half my plays are gone?
[21:33] <TheSpoonyBard> ...that happens when you concede
[21:33] <Synn> LOL
[21:33] <Synn> owned
[23:55] <Ameranth> report it, we know theres an admin around...
[23:55] <GuitarHero> Smite him Spoony
[23:55] *** Topper28 ( joined
[23:55] *** Nuffle sets channel #Fumbbl mode +o Topper28
[23:55] <;@Nuffle> [Topper28] Don't believe the hype
[23:55] *** Zuul ( joined
[23:55] <Ameranth> see, theres one
[23:55] <zingr> *POOF*
[23:55] * TheSpoonyBard b**** slaps the admin
[23:55] <Synn> lol
[23:56] <TheSpoonyBard>
[23:56] <zingr> ouch
[23:56] * Synn falls over
[23:56] <TheSpoonyBard> watch that replay
[23:56] <Ameranth> its admin season! BLAM!
[23:56] * zingr piles on
[23:56] *** you were kicked from #Fumbbl by Topper28 (TheSpoonyBard)
<Joe_deman> hey where're you from anyways
<waddywoos> Oxford
<Joe_deman> hmmm i'm Toronto. and can't think of where oxford is... (i just know they make dictionary's)
[21:08] <KingSnakeeyes> server go down?
[21:08] *** SirOrange quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:08] <Ro> i borked it
[21:08] <Ro> i sorry
[21:08] *** urial-pro quit (Quit )
[21:08] * pizzamogul points accusingly at Ro
[21:08] <KingSnakeeyes> stop borking things Ro
[21:08] <Arktoris> it rude to do that in public too
[21:08] <KingSnakeeyes> its not nice
[21:08] *** Universal_ID quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- IRC with a difference)
[21:09] *** blizzt|90|120 changed nick to blizzzzzzzzzzz
[21:09] * KingSnakeeyes trips Ro then kicks him in the head
[21:09] <;@Angie> KingSnakeeyes, looks like it
[21:09] <KingSnakeeyes> :(
[21:09] <;@Angie> Poor Ro...
[21:09] <Ameranth> tell that to my squirrels...
[21:09] <;@Angie> come up here out of the way of those nasty people :)
[21:10] *** HunterX quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- The dawn of a new IRC era)
[21:10] *** Angie sets channel #Fumbbl mode +o Ro
[21:10] * KingSnakeeyes points at Ro and tells everyone else to have a kick
[21:10] <;@Ro> lol
[21:10] <;@Angie> hahahaha
[21:10] <pizzamogul> ruh roh
[21:10] * pizzamogul hides
[21:10] <;@Angie> first target :)
[21:10] *** KingSnakeeyes was kicked from #Fumbbl by Ro (Kick!)
[21:10] <;@Ro> hehe i kick back
[21:10] *** RR quit (Quit )
[21:10] <;@Ro> thanks angie
[21:10] <;@Ro> !down
[21:11] *** Nuffle sets channel #Fumbbl mode -o Ro
[21:11] <;@Angie> You should have typed that in the command line :)
[21:11] <Ro> lol
[21:11] <AFK_Eagle> bblfg
[21:11] <+BowlBot> AFK_Eagle (161.69): Skaven 212/205, Chaos Dwarf 121/115, Amazon 196/197
[21:11] *** KingSnakeeyes ( joined
[21:11] <;@Angie> :)
[21:11] <pizzamogul> w00t!
[21:11] <Ro> lol
[21:11] <pizzamogul> servers back up
[21:11] <KingSnakeeyes> ok Ro now that wasnt very nice
[21:11] <;@Angie> WB KingSnakeeyes
[21:11] <Ro> i just kicked back
[21:11] *** Lordnivek quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:11] <Ro> lol
[21:11] *** Lordnivek ( joined
[21:12] <hungaryray> anyone else having trouble accessing fumbbl?
[21:12] <pizzamogul> gah!
[21:12] <TheSpoonyBard>
[21:12] <TheSpoonyBard> no one else does
[21:12] <KingSnakeeyes> yeah but its not fair I havent learned how to kick like that yet :(
[21:12] <;@Angie> hungaryray, everyone...
[21:12] <hungaryray> ok thanks
[21:12] <Apojar> well, good night everyone
[21:12] <Apojar> see you on the morrow
[21:12] <;@Angie> want to try KingSnakeeyes?
[21:13] <KingSnakeeyes> sure
[21:13] <TheSpoonyBard> type /part ro
[21:13] * Mr_Foulscumm fouls KingSnakeeyes
[21:13] * Apojar waves, then fouls Ro for good measure.
[21:13] *** Apojar quit (Quit )
[21:13] <Ro> ohh i sense me going by bye
[21:13] *** KingSnakeeyes ( left (Ro)
[21:13] <;@Angie> I wonder if I can remember how to do that...
[21:13] <TheSpoonyBard> pwned
[21:13] <TheSpoonyBard> =D
[21:13] <Ro> \o/
[21:13] <pizzamogul> LOL
[21:13] * Ro high fives spoony
[21:13] * TheSpoonyBard bows
[21:13] *** KingSnakeeyes ( joined
[21:13] <;@Angie> hahahahaha
[21:13] *** martykincaid ( joined
[21:13] <;@Angie> You live and learn....
[21:13] *** Gomez35 ( joined
[21:13] <KingSnakeeyes> that went backwards Angie
[21:14] <pizzamogul> :P
[21:14] <TheSpoonyBard> yeah, you learn to never listen to me
[21:14] <KingSnakeeyes> I think you set me up
[21:14] <;@Angie> I didn't tell you to do that :)
[21:14] * TheSpoonyBard raises his hand
[21:14] <KingSnakeeyes> it was Spoony
[21:14] *** Angie sets channel #Fumbbl mode +o KingSnakeeyes
[21:14] <;@Angie> now you try :)
[21:14] *** KingSnakeeyes ( left (TheSpoonyBard)
[22:27] <Prinz> synn smells of meech
[22:27] <Synn> :/
[22:28] <Synn> prinz tastes like meech
[22:28] <Synn> errrr...
[22:28] <Prinz> LOL
[22:28] <Synn> wait a minute
[22:28] <Prinz> hahaha
[22:28] <Synn> that doesn't work so well
[23:33] <jai13> woot dbls on a rookie ogre :D
[23:33] <jai13> guard ftw
[00:37] <Terror> where can I go to get a newbie game
[00:37] <Synn> #fumbbl.ita
<Snappy_Dresser> SPOONY IS DA MAN
<Snappy_Dresser> you're my hero, Spoony
<Synn> spooneh is great
<PeteW> spooneh is fun
* Mr_Fouly thinks Spooneh is great
<;@EdgeDante> spoon does have a point
<paulhicks> spooneh is hawt
<Synn> spooneh speaks truths'
<Snappy_Dresser> very little hanging when Spoon's in the room
<Snappy_Dresser> he's damn sexeh
<PurpleChest> spoony is a gay man living in possibly the most right wong part of possible the most right wing developed country on earth. the man is legend. i can easily forgive his aquiescence to comments i feel he shouldnt take, cos in the main i am stunned he is still alive.