<img src="http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/796/tubbytompkinsak2.jpg">
Useful Info:
Local time= bbtime+10hrs
Handicap Rolls
Difference in Team Ratings | Number of Rolls
0-10 .......0
11-25 .....1
26-50 .....2
51-75 .....3
76-100 ...4
101+ .......4 + pick a fifth result of your choice
# Rookie: TR 0-100
# Experienced: TR 101-125
# Veteran: TR 126-150
# Pro: TR 151-175
# Elite: TR 176-200
# Legend: TR 200+
Skills at:
To play a direct game...
(Fumbbl help guide here)
Open bb launcher by clicking on play next to your team as normal, and use the following settings:
proxy: no proxy (Make sure you change the drop down to this)
proxy game name: (leave blank)
server: (Insert IP Address here)
port: (Insert port here - usually 8080)
How to solve the two ball client reload bug
reload with .inc
end the turn
reload again with .dat
problem solved
you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
due to the two ball issue caused by the sync
Chain push: http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=blog&coach=2274
MA6 one turner Chain push: http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2290112
Fix for disappearing player:
save your team set up, change one player, load the set up and he should be available again in your box
For missing char in FFB client:
go to control panel, java, advanced,uncheck show warning banner in sandbox mode.