<Celyn18> It would be so much more efficient if uberskiller just conceeded at the start of each game, and the opponent retired a couple of players at random...
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2D6 Result
2-7 Stunned
8-9 KO’D
10-12 Casualty
1-3 Badly Hurt
4-5 Serious Injury
6 Dead!
Useful links:
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=blog&coach=2274">mv7 oneturn</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=246355#246355">cas odds</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:TNT">TNT</a>
<a href="http://www.kfoged.dk/fumbbl/ranges.html">Passing Ranges</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:TS+Values+of+Stars">Starplayer TS values</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=stats&op=rankings">Ranking system racial factors</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coachopp&coach=17726">Coaches played</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/skills.php">Skill choices (old)</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coach&op=development&coach=17726">CR development</a>
Chances to succed with: with rr / without
2+, 2+: 93% / 69%
2+, 2+, 2+: 86% / 58%
2+, 3+: 80% / 56%
3+, 3+: 74% / 44%
4+, 3+: 65% / 33%
TR diff = : Handicaps
11 : 1
26 : 2
51 : 3
76 : 4
101 : 5
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=1890036">http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=1890036</a>
<div align="left">
<TommyK> hi
<TommyK> your skaven vs my orcis?
<TommyK> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=490925
<uberskiller> them: http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=428963 ???
<uberskiller> sure
<uberskiller> proxy: killkillkill
<uberskiller> swe1
<uberskiller> you left
<TommyK> I was talking about your skaven xD
<TommyK> #´not your khemri
<uberskiller> you asked for "your skaven"
<uberskiller> i posted the link
<uberskiller> you agreed by joining
<uberskiller> either you play, or you conceed
<TommyK> you are kidding me... this was just a missunderstaning
<TommyK> of course I asked for 'your skaven'
<uberskiller> A game is considered to have started at the moment the clients connect. At this point you are committed to the game and must play it out. Note that this includes scenarios where your opponent purchased new players after the mutual agreement to play. This rule does not apply if any of the participants connects with a team other than the one the game was agreed on.
<uberskiller> we agreed on my khemri team
<TommyK> but you did wether post a link nor did nor did I 'agree by joining' cause you did not play with the team I was talking about
<uberskiller> we posted the team-links in irc
<TommyK> a clear no!
<TommyK> me yes, you no
<TommyK> by the way
<TommyK> are you trying to cheat people by naming your teams '
<TommyK> 'your woodies' or 'your skaven'
<uberskiller> I'll just get the game scheduled
<TommyK> haha
<uberskiller> you think you're the first picker who got in teh trap?
<uberskiller> owned
<uberskiller> hahaha
<TommyK> man I am sitting in front of my computer laughing
<TommyK> :)
<TommyK> very cool action
<div align="left">
< maryjuano> hi man
< maryjuano> your rats vs my necros=?
< uberskiller> by speaking of "your rats" you mean "your skaven"?
< uberskiller> if so - sure
< maryjuano> hehe your skavens
< maryjuano> i host?
< maryjuano> proxy necros
< uberskiller> ok
< uberskiller> omw
< uberskiller> you're still here?
< uberskiller> we need to play
< Synn> i
< Synn> love
< Synn> you
< Synn> :D
< uberskiller> ^^
< Synn> problem is
< Synn> he will get away with it
< Synn> but damn
< uberskiller> i was just tired
< uberskiller> of all the ppl challenging my skaven
< uberskiller> with their uber-bashy teams
< uberskiller> it's more for the fun of it
< Synn> tell him....
< Synn> "Synn says you are a sisseh"
< Synn> in the game chat
< Synn> ;)
< Synn> tell the admins
< Synn> the only reason he is running
< Synn> is cos you hired a star he didn't notice
< Synn> :D
< rondo> anyway
< rondo> u are my new hero
< uberskiller> :)
< maryjuano> you have muuuuch bad repulation in this site man
< maryjuano> heheh muuuuuch muuuuuch
< uberskiller> thanks for the game
<discorotte> skaven vs my chaos?
<uberskiller> speaking of them, right?
<uberskiller> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=428963
<uberskiller> sure
<uberskiller> proxy: killkillkill
<uberskiller> swe4
<discorotte> hey
<Uberskiller> hey
<discorotte> skaven i said
<Uberskiller> yeah
<Uberskiller> i thought you meant the teamname?
<Uberskiller> "your skaven"
<Uberskiller> i even posted the teamlink
<Uberskiller> to make sure
<Uberskiller> that we agreed on the team!
<discorotte> np
<holsbrink> hi wanna play? my chaos vs your WE
<uberskiller> lol
<uberskiller> what about my khemri?
<uberskiller> for some odd reason
<uberskiller> i was sure
<uberskiller> that there wouldnt be any reply
<uberskiller> when i counter-offered my own bashers
<uberskiller> hi
<uberskiller> new teamname?
<uberskiller> for ur dwarves?
<maryjuano> yes
<maryjuano> is very good
<maryjuano> nothing problems for play
<maryjuano> whith vs chicken boys
<maryjuano> or friend of admis
<maryjuano> :)
<maryjuano> no play vs my drwfs?
<maryjuano> ¿?¿?
<uberskiller> nah
<maryjuano> oh yes not have help for play in this momen no?
<uberskiller> not in the mood for rookie-bashing
<maryjuano> yes yes imposible play whit havent help
<maryjuano> ok ok looking a easy game for play
<maryjuano> ;9
<uberskiller> yeah ^^
<uberskiller> plus i dont wanna destroy a team with the nice name "uberskillersgreat"
<maryjuano> Impossible that you destroy if you are so fearful that you do not dare to play without helps or knowing that you are going to crush alk another equipment(team)
<maryjuano> You are too fearful
<maryjuano> With the whole world that and spoken you are very very a hen to play
<maryjuano> The day that you dare to play of equally to equally you call me