I've been off of fumbbl for about 6 months now... I miss it but am looking forward to Cyanide's game. Currently my gaming time is limited to short 20 minute games, so I'm enjoying Battle Cry on www.gametableonline.com
I'm know as lark on gametableonline.
On Cyanide's BB site, I'm known as Loathian13.
Have fun!
To schedule a tournament game with me, please send a PM to me.
When I'm available for scheduled games:
* Weeknights 7pm Pacific time (gmt -7?=? 2am GMT)
* And on weekends at various times.
Playing style:
* Leisurely. I'm happy to chat during a game.
* For games with new teams (<5 games), I'm happy to match my speed of play to yours. If you want to play fast, I can too.
* I like to win by scoring, not by wiping out a team.
* I'm not into fouling. I generally won't foul first.
About Ug:
Ug is an orc. He grew up in a ten foot by ten foot stone room underground with his 99 brothers. Often food would walk in either wrapped in hard metal or soft purple material or in a tough hide.
One day the food walked in and killed all 99 of Ug's brothers. Ug was buried under a pile of the dead.
After freeing himself, he went to the dark and mysterious world outside the door. He made a friend, Rubix, the gelatenous cube and they wandered the undergound world.
After much adventuring Ug learned about Blood Bowl - which is much like a sport he used to play in that tiny room with his brothers. After being a player and assistant coach under Buddy "blitz 'em" Ryan, Ug now coaches his own teams in the same agressive blitzing defense and risk taking offense. So whether Ug coaches Elves, Rats, Gnomes, Human or anything else, you can expect the teams to play to score in orc-style full-contact BLOOD Bowl!
About the real me:
I live in Silicon Valley in San Jose, CA, and work for a software company managing the development of customized information systems.
I first played Blood Bowl - 1st edition many years ago (1980s?). Some years later I tried the 3rd edition board game and was very impressed! It's much better than the original. I enjoyed the computer game and now am thoroughly enjoying the Java version!!!
Kudos to the people who developed it!!!
In addition to English, I speak some Ukrainian, and a bit of Romanian.
Won ADEPTUS CHALLENGE in <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=377> NUX League Season 2!</a>
In person Blood Bowl:
Won Kubla Cup 2007 tournament at KublaCon in SF-bay area, California.
Note to self: Xiao Ai Ren
<A HREF=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coach&op=development&coach=3372>My coach rating development</A>
Best games:
<A HREF=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=517233> one of my most memorable wins</A>
<A HREF=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/>
Timezone conversion </A>