Academytraining: I´ll teach beginnercoaches, while we play an academy game...If you get questions about the game, skills or tactics, just ask me and I´m going to help...but, in my turns I´ll show no mercy, I play the game like any other...
My CHAOS PACT team which is played on the board on CHAOS CUP FINAL´07
Opponent: Arcturius (Amazing Amazons) F.A.N.G (Amazon,Human,Woodelfs)
1 Rotten Rob Starplayer 6 4 3 7 Block, Dodge, Leader,Kick, Prehensile Tail
2 Didi Danebenpisser Gutterrunner 11 2 4 7 Dodge, extra long legs, jump up
3 Norbert Nachgeburt Gutterrunner 9 2 4 7 Dodge, leap, dauntless
4 Ludwig Leichenzähler Stormverm. 7 3 3 8 Block,Strip ball, Guard
5 Albert Arschforunkel Stormverm. 7 3 3 8 Block
6 Erwin Eichekkäse Thrower 7 3 3 8 sure hands, safe throw, strong arm
7 Hubert Höschenschnüffl. Thrower 7 3 3 8 sure hands, safe throw, strong arm
8 Ichbrechdichdurch Chaosworrior 5 4 3 9 Block
9 Ichhaudichklein Chaosworrior 5 4 3 9 Block
10 Gert Gemetzel Beastman 6 3 3 8 Horns, Block
11 Eberhard Erbrochenes Linerat 7 3 3 7 sure hands, Block
12 Gildo Gelbzahn Gutterrunner 10 2 4 7 Dodge, extra long legs
13 Berti Blutfehde Linerat 7 3 3 7 X
14 Friedhelm Fußmief Linerat 7 3 3 7 X
15 Karl Klötenkrauler Linerat 7 3 3 7 X
Skavenpriest Wizard one turn, no 1 roll (1:death) one player, two blitzes
Team: FuzzyFurfiends
Race: Chaos Pact
Teamst. 175
cash 270.000 k
Coach Unhold
Rerolls: 2
Fanfaktor: 5
cheerleader: 3
Apo: 1