Always find these info-pages helpfull and/or funny when searching for coaches to play with, so I decided to join in on the fun...
What is there to say? At the moment of writing this I'm 20 years old, I study Statistics at Umeå University and try to have fun in general... Be it RPGs, reading, FUMBBL or anything else that fulfill my needs.
Do I foul? Yes, when I see the odds in my favor (get the ref, DP, groupfouling) and I need the numbers advantage and/or secure a win.
Do I stall? Yes I do, depends mostly on if it is [R] or a league and so on... but don't be surprised, I know I wouldn't be.
Do I play to win? Yes, although I'd rather lose a great game than win a boring one. I do have a ranked team (which is not doing great for my CR), but only to get more games when I'm on GF. And if you play my 'Flings, expect to win :)
If I wanna play any out-of-league matches I'll be on gamefinder and in #fumbbl. I expect the same from you.
<b>Personal FUMBBL and IRL-Bowl related Goals :</b>
1. Get one player to Legend-status.
2. Participate in every major qualifier.
3. Get into Allsvenskan á la Svenska Ligan.
4. Win a Smack-tourney.
5. Win a OCCs-sponsored tourney.
6. Paint all my teams. (Dwarfs 60%, Lizardmen/Orcs 0%)
7. Get together a local league in Umeå. (DONE!)
8. Get Blood Bowl to the Fanatic Tournament.
9. Get CR back to 150.
10. Play 100 games with the same team. (Current top: 21)