<b>Will only answer to game requests on #IRC</b>
Bloodbowlplayer since 91. But had a breake for 10 years.
Now I'm back, and mean.
See you out there for som fun playing.
Misses the deadzone add-on for bloodbowl, liked the card you could get as extra bonus in the games.
I'm the "Mister Unlucky" so be aware ;-)
I'm most unlucky against Dwarfish teams, hence I no longer play any team against dwarfs! NEVER!
Somehow dwarfs metamorph into Elfs in armor when I play them, they act like Ag4 (or Ag6) and no fun with all that amor.
So no dwarfs to me... (include chaos dwarfs)
Info for me:
link to CR development <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coach&op=development&coach=31141">here</a>
SSP 6-16-31-51-76-126-176