<wuhan> I would foul you with the ref.
<wuhan> I will foul you just for fun
<Tore> Hehe
<wuhan> I will foul you when it's late.
<wuhan> I will foul you on turn 8
<wuhan> why would I ever want PO? I never choose that skill. and I never choose dp. and If my teams have dp's it's cause I miss clicked, just like I miss clicked 4-6 times on my undead team.
<Trog> ROFL
<Calador|AFK> ROFL wuhan
<Avatar-spec> lol
<MorgluM> LOL
<Trog> you are sooooo full of it
<wuhan> well I might have fouled them, but only if they were lying prone, and my DP had to make a reasonable dodge to get there. :)
<Freefragger> he has a fanclub now???
<Bergh> yes
<BunnyPuncher> and t-shirts
<Freefragger> jesus
<blu> then why do you keep fouling and refusing to score
when you've obviously won?
<red> I like fouling.
<reddavid> wuhan fouled me onturn8 2nd unstead of throwing a comp??
<Calador|AFK> omg wuhan, you are not only playing dirty, you really just want to destroy the opponent... remind me NEVER to play against you.. not with any team
<Calador|AFK> sad to hear a coach bragging about having destroying as first priority
<asperon> Calador|AFK: isn't that a known fact?
<Calador|AFK> I know he is dirty, but watching his match vs korkrest and reading what he writes actually makes me sick
<asperon> ok
<xJx> actually wu tries to win matches too
<Calador|AFK> I've seen deathgerbil more determined to win than wuhan
<Calador|AFK> and that says a lot
(quotes from a typical game...)
<blu> please don't fould anymore
Charnelskull The Carver is knocked over.
Player pushed to (13, 12)
PILING ON not necessary.
MIGHTY BLOW used on injury roll.
(6, 5) + 0, (1, 3) + 1, 0: Charnelskull The Carver has been stunned.
Move ended for Red Balloons
<blu> you don't have to
<red> yes, i do. :)
<blu> foul I mean
[Game Saved]
Select an action for Purple Horseshoes
Normal move selected.
<blu> no you don't
Move ended for Purple Horseshoes
Select an action for Mindless Minion
Foul selected.
<blu> you don't get spp for it anyway
Foul selected.
Captain crunch fouls Tombbone. (6, 2) +5
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(4, 6) + 2, 6: Tombbone has been KILLED!!
(2) Tombbone does NOT regenerate.
The ref looks the other way!
Move ended for Captain crunch
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
Tombbone has risen from the dead to join Lucky Harms!
<red> ah i needed an 11th player!
<blu> I hate you so much
Swiftbone The Fast: (66) Fractured Skull - (-1 AV)
<red> :)
<blu> why the HELL did you have to foul now ???!!
<blu> you just suck!
I”ll miss cusi.
I’ll mis’m cause he was a great guy.
A fellow brother, Someone to bitch about the ‘tude of La women. Knew the finer points of a rum and coke. And kept Mnemon in line with his halibut.
Months ago, Christer announced that Cusi had the most friends on his buddy list. And he was always here. Making buddies, talking up the chat room, having a good time, and by association bringing others his mood of friendship, and fun times.
Why I’ve been on fumbbl a long time now, my buddy list is short, and people I look forward to seeing on line are also on a short list. But Cusi, a worthy friend, is someone I’ll always be looking for seeing online now.
Arrr. To be less than articulate, I’ll miss you Cusi.
<SHIVER> yo wuhan i am tooooooo scared of you anymore lol
* wuhan is not ashamed to challenge coaches that have sworn to never play him again. :)
<swilhelm73> how many people have sworn never to play you again?
<wuhan> more than I can count, I had a list once, but it filled up.
<SHIVER> lol wuhan
<Dreadclaw> hehe
<Thrall> someone refused a game today because of you
<Thrall> said he refused to play halflings ever again
<Thrall> i blame you
<wuhan> he refused to play your halflings and you blame me?
<Thrall> yeah
<Thrall> he played your flings
<wuhan> haahahahaha
<Thrall> and swore off flings forever
<browwnrob_ni> im new wuhan i want to know the way of the foul
<wuhan> well play thrall's flings for a start, then dreadclaw's DE, then gerbils Chaos, and finally you can play one of my teams.
* wuhan puts brownrob thru fouling 'Boot Camp'
<browwnrob_ni> lol
Best Player I ever killed. CW +2str, Block, MB, Spikes
<razta> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=322499
<wuhan> sweet replay. I love the vicous bloodthirsty fouling. That's a True game of Bloodbowl!
<razta> :D
<Myst> halflings are devils in disguise :/ their kicks hurt while your lying down :)
<Myst> and 3 flins are still dangerous :o when ganging up
<wuhan> you sound like your telling tall tales at campside. Tales of the halflings!
<wuhan> ...and suddenly he heard it too. Munch. Munch. Munch. The sound of someone chewing a sweet bun. He spun around and saw 3 dimunitives figure with small hands, and feet, intent on fouling him to death! They shouted, "Lunch Time!"
<karix> hehehehe
<blu> oh shit i remember your name now
<blu> normally you are on my "ignore" list
<Wuhan> oh?
<blu> u was teh fucking bastard who destroyed my last Darkelf team
<blu> just with 3 foul kills
<blu> revenge
Foul selected.
Gen fouls Alarion II. (5, 4) +4
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(2, 6) + 2, 4: Alarion II has been seriously injured!!
(64) Broken Neck - (-1 AG)
IGMEOY Roll = 3
(2) Apothecary SUCCEEDS!
[Game Saved]
Oakwood Diamonds concedes the match.
<blu> bastard
<blu> never talk to me again
<Spoony> when someone plays against wuhan, it means they want their team to die
<Gary_Gygax> wuhan is the most used name for dirty players! :D
<wuhan> I hereby appoint paulhicks for a honerary dirty player fouler award. <wuhan> getting your opponent to say your on the blacklist! extra credit points! <wuhan> T16 foul/kill, with the, eye on him. With a troll, that had to GFI, Clearing the pitch, before scoring for the win....Impressive.
[13:38] <paulhicks> thanx bud :)
This was one of the best games ever...he had 5 players for his next match, after buying a linemen.
Spoony's luckiest game.
<Darkwolf> this one is for wuhan
Select an action for SeaRat Gnakteshz
Foul selected.
SeaRat Gnakteshz fouls Tossin' Teddy II. (4, 5) +5
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(2, 6) + 2, 6: Tossin' Teddy II has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 5
Move ended for SeaRat Gnakteshz
<Meech> Wuhan, you foul?
<wuhan> nah, darkwolf did T16 with some encourag'n
<wuhan> YES! I completed a game with 16 fouls! http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1713018
<CiTaNiC> just get the ball and score
<CiTaNiC> im not gonna stop you
<wuhan> i do'nt think you could.
<CiTaNiC> no
Select an action for Nerds
Teammate helps REALLY STUPID player.
(3) REALLY STUPID roll passed.
ALWAYS HUNGRY roll(1) fails.
(1) Team-mate is eaten!
Move ended for Nerds
Pass action used.
<wuhan> yummy!
[Game Saved]
<CiTaNiC> wtf just happend
<wuhan> Nerds ate bottle caps pop soda!
<CiTaNiC> do you really gotta fucking foul, just score and end the game
<Emphasy4> heh
Select an action for Bar Milk Chocolate and Graham Crackers
Normal move selected.
Move ended for Bar Milk Chocolate and Graham Crackers
Select an action for Mixups
Foul selected.
Mixups fouls Spike. (4, 1) +4
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(6, 2) + 2, 6: Spike has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 5
Move ended for Mixups
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
[Game Saved]
Select an action for Laffy Taffy Rope Candy
Normal move selected.
<CiTaNiC> you dont even get SPP for it
Laffy Taffy Rope Candy scores a touchdown!
*** Setup start ***
(1) Tart'N'Tinys stays UNconscious.
(3) Greezy stays UNconscious.
(5) Gangreen regains consciousness.
Gob-stoppers Kicking.
Set players on field.
Press [CTRL][ENTER] when finished.
Or click the turn counter.
<CiTaNiC> your a "explitive deleted" dude
Closing local sockets.
Server re-trying connection...
Connected as server to game 'wu'.
Waiting for client.
<Emphasy4> learning about wuhan
<Emphasy4> the hard way
All the players in the hurt box...that's goin' in the coach profile.
<;@torsoboy> when i started out playing fumbbl i hung out with the #fumbblacademy crew and when I asked who was the end boss of Fumbbl they said it was wuhan :D
<wuhan> How did you know?! -You get sexually aroused when you get the ref.......x2
<;@Manbush> you think you're the only one?
My Douchbaggery rating is = 184,320,000.
<wu> ye blame the foul'n nerf on me?
<Chappy> someone from gw watched a few of your games and new a change was needed
An entire team of dwarfs put in the Casualty box!
<fangbanger> wuhan, now he's the luckiest SOB on the sight , he's good mind you, but nuffle has truly choseen him as his adopted son, thats a fact jack, but again he skirts the rules , but he's NOT a cheater
<Synn> lol
<Synn> so true
Replay of Zed's Epic game 5 in Fumbbl Cup, Both Trees 1294spp, and 949 spps died in. 59 coaches spec'd and all went NOOOOOO on the failed GFI! https://www.fumbbl.com/p/match?id=3853766
Zen-newbism is a real thing. I have seen it. https://www.fumbbl.com/p/match?id=3871820
<details5252> nuffle respects your coaching
Am I the only one who thinks Odi looks like Gwynplaine?
<Wuhan> bloodless! I've seen bloodthirsty halflings more than these teams.
<ryanfitz> right?
<ryanfitz> could you please come and be an instructor?
<Wuhan> I already created a 'bootcamp' regimine.
<ryanfitz> assuming heavy on the boot
<Wuhan> ya, none have survived it though.
Wuhan> I always feel like I have achieved a secret accomplishment, when I kill my opponents best player.