Dont like whiners, dont like those bashers that only play soft teams.
Only coaches i black list are people that dont play by the rules. (disconnectors, dont upload results)
I once got Christer to take down the site, and write that i made him do it. Best day on Fumbbl :-)
<blu> ye he's a bit of a monster
<blu> soaks up toomnay SPPs though
<Zhartan> k
<blu> well not any more
<Zhartan> lol
<Zhartan> sorry
<Ro> you need to learn some positioning
<Ro> thats all
<Ro> and stop all the 1 d blocks
<Snappy_Dresser> that's what my girlfriend said to me
<blu> would have expected my apo to get that
The ma10,ag5 gutter runner was killed and apoth failed