Just played for the first time in 7 years, and won the Santa Bowl! . Great Tournament run by the guys of the HEBBL, who i will be joining this season!
I lied , couldn't get same enjoyment out of this game so its back to something else:p . I'll pop back in couple a month to seee if anything comes back ;)
i hit this bench mark...300/53/55
80% win percentage.
Then it all went down hill
<b> NUFFLE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! </b>
<b>Kelly Brook</b> Former Star Wardancer Of <b>Forest Kittens</b><img src="http://tuningetmeuf.turboblog.fr/photos/uncategorized/kelly_brook1_800_2.jpg">
[13:24] <Luminus> maybe youre just to stupid to play good bloodbowl...
<Zy-Nox> f2 game?
<Zy-Nox> your HE my khemri
<***> no, thx
<Zy-Nox> why
<***> i don't play bashers
<Zy-Nox> i am like 30 ts lower
<***> it doesn't matter
<Zy-Nox> sure ;)
<dusko> so is there any problem puting you ona black list?
<Dominik> hi
<Dominik> Aber auch die "einfachen" Leute haben ein Gespür für das "Gemeinte". Sicher, in der seelsorgerischen Arbeit sollte man sich in seiner Sprache an sein Gegenüber anpassen.
<Dominik> ups
<Dominik> check this:
<Dominik> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=137431
<Dominik> want to play?
<Dominik> or is your 6/0 stat only caused of cherrypicking?
<Dominik> hehe
<Dominik> i checked your played matches
<Dominik> you are a cherrypicker
<Zy-Nox> whatever
[00:09] <Gorritakid> who knows what's going on inside his imaginary world :P
<b>Some spanish learnt in #fumbbl_academy</b>
"chupa, chupa que yo te aviso"
"¿donde es la fiesta?"