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<b>Best conversation on chat so far...</b>
<i>xxx's Profile:</i>
Oh, and I don't play Khemri's or teams with more people on their roster than me. I also won't play any team with an average av higher than mine. sorry.
Don't play orcs or low tr dwarves or undeads
<i>xxx's chat with me:</i>
[13:05] *** Now talking to xxx
[13:05] <xxx> your rotters wanna play my vamps?
[13:07] <benjysmyth> er, no thanks mate, that +50 TR and +30 TS is making me a little wary ;0)
[13:08] <xxx> lol its 20 ts and the 50 tr works in your favor
[13:08] <xxx> tr is irrelevant
[13:08] <xxx> but ok, i'm at ten guys
[13:08] <xxx> lol
[13:09] <benjysmyth> cool, good luck with your game dude, take care
[13:10] <xxx> peace <b>cherry </b>
[13:11] <benjysmyth> ok, actually, you have 11 guys - and its 25 TS if you want to quibble over numbers ;0)
[13:12] <xxx> niggles don't count, especially on vamps
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