I'm loving playing Bloodbowl again after a gap of about 15 years. As you can see from my record I'm not very good but hey it's good fun.
Outside of Fumbbl I sing and play guitar in a covers band. Love football, American Football, Comics, watching movies and Doctor Who.
Everyone I've played. Are you in there?
If you are scheduled to play me in a league then these are the usual times I am available to play: Sunday, monday & tuesday nights between 21:00-23:00 BBTime.
Per Passing Completion ...............................1 SPP
Per Casualty ..................................................2 SPPs
Per Interception ..............................................2 SPPs
Per Touchdown ..............................................3 SPPs
Per Most Valuable Player award ....................5 SPPs
SPPs Title Star Player Rolls
SPPs Title Star Player Rolls
0–5 Rookie None
6–15 Experienced One
16–30 Veteran Two
31–50 Emerging Star Three
51–75 Star Four
76–175 Super Star Five
176+ Legend Six