Good-looking. Charming. Hilariously funny. These are words you'd be hard pushed to use when describing a numpty like Clowny. Still, the few wits he has have enabled him to dodge past the jism monkeys of Essex for pastures new in London. There he drinks tea, procrastinates, writes bollocks on t'internet and, when the wife is away, tries to get in the occasional game of Blood Bowl!
Clowny hadn't actually played Blood Bowl for a good ten years until he found Ski Junkie's Javabowl. Since then the passion for the game has re-surfaced (well, it never really went away) and having traded in his Undead for a new masochistic challenge with the accursed Vampires, he's looking forward to the challenge of the FUMBBL masses! Woo-hoo!!
<b>Fumbbl achievements</b>
Well, when I first got back into Blood Bowl I didn't think I'd make any kind of achievement and was happy just to be playing the game again, but <a href=""> Lord Bitten</a>, Vampire player for <a href=""> Go For The Juggler</a> obtained a Larson on 3 August 2008. Good work fella! Now, just stop blood lusting two or three times per game to make me feel even more happy!
<a href=""> My First Larson!</a>
Member of OBBA - <a href="">Livers in Dead Pools</a>, League One!
<a href=""><img border="0" src=" " ></a>