If you take over 2 minutes a turn, please don't ask for a game. I like playing games where theres lots of dirty players, blood, and general carnage.
<blu> I kicked ur ass
Foul selected.
Snuggly fouls Donkey Dong. (6, 2) +5
(6, 4) + 0, 5: Donkey Dong has been seriously injured!!
(61) Smashed Hip - (-1 MA)
<deathgerbil> enjoy
<deathgerbil> ^_^
<Uber> !8ball Will I ever get laid again?
<Nuffle> Uber: Not a chance.
<Dreadclaw> !8ball will i ever get laid again nuffle?
<Nuffle> Dreadclaw: Not a chance.
<Dreadclaw> !8ball and if i sacrifice a kitten, will that prophecy change?
<Nuffle> Dreadclaw: Not a chance.
<Dreadclaw> !8Ball do you think getting laid is getting a green rash?
<Nuffle> Dreadclaw: In your dreams.
<Dreadclaw> worth a shot
<mikafreak> lol
<Dreadclaw> guess i'm really doomed.
<Lord_Makari> !8ball is dread doomed?
<Nuffle> Lord_Makari: Could be, could be.
<Dreadclaw> !8ball did you tell me i would never get laid because your evil, nasty, lying and generally not pleasant?
<Nuffle> Dreadclaw: Absolutely!
<Dreadclaw> *SALVATION!
<Lord_Makari> !8ball did you just lie to dread so he'd be quiet about his doomed fate?
<Nuffle> Lord_Makari: Absolutely!
<Moxy> But I am still afraid when deathgerbil congratulated me
<Emphasy> lol
<Moxy> you know you have bashed hard when he says good job
<deathgerbil> anyone wana kill cuddly or snuggly?
<Mezir> I do, deathgerbil
<Bumper> ;)
<Mezir> problem is I'd have to play you
* Albator2001 has joined #Fumbbl
* Lineman966 has joined #Fumbbl
<Mezir> but your advertising techniques have improved :)
<Topper28> deathgerbil please withdraw your team and change one of the names and resubmit, and I'll approve it m8
<BowlBot> Team Approved: Apothecary Failed
<Topper28> wth
<Topper28> god dammit
<gazguul> your chaos team is the most disgusting team ive ever seen in my life
<deathgerbil> thanks?
(4) REALLY STUPID roll passed.
ALWAYS HUNGRY roll(1) fails.
(1) Team-mate is eaten!
Move ended for Tiny
Pass action used.
(5) Snack regenerates.
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
Apothecary Failed turn ended.
<Aequitas> heh.. guy here who wants to play my chaos vs his woodelves.. he's 42TS up, so when I told him this.. he offered to get rid of a re-roll
<Aequitas> sweet! :P
<deathgerbil> gona get him to sac a reroll the go offline?
Amusing bits from Ravno's bio and teams...
Team - Plz send no gaming suggestsion if you use one or more DPs in your team
Bio - I am also a 8th turn fouler.
<blu> u love fouling:)
<Deathgerbil> sort of
<Deathgerbil> if your men would just roll over and die then i wouldn't foul so much
<Imerikol> I loved wuhan's LM team that had a DP saurus
<Imerikol> thats just so wrong
<deathgerbil> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=225389
<deathgerbil> you'll love that player then imerikol
<deathgerbil> (before the wild animal change)
<deathgerbil> he was my emergency backup fouler
<Falcone> hehe did you foul with him allot gerbil
<Zyad> dp mino
<Fama> How was the old WA?
<Zyad> haha
<Imerikol> You know someone thinks like I do when they can even justify the concept of an 'emergency foul'
<Imerikol> Hell, I wish stunty were still a mutation
<deathgerbil> omg. a stunty minotaur would rock
Quotes from MymLaban's Game
<blu> my best guy :-(
Select an action for Nailburn the striker
<red> nah
<red> av7 and a nig
<red> allrdy dead
<deathgerbil> up 4 a game vs your chaos?
<Bardurnon> I'd prefer to cut my balls off and wear them as earrings, instead of playing you.
<deathgerbil> up 4 a game vs your hummies?
<BLITZ> depends on what team asking
<deathgerbil> my chaos
<BLITZ> go away
<deathgerbil> grystor, up 4 a game vs your chaos or skaven?
<Grystor> no thx gerbil, you scare me too much, my mino needs to catch up to your troll first before i consider that one
<deathgerbil> catch up to my troll?
<Grystor> yeah, my mino is only st 6, heh
<deathgerbil> is anyone brave enough to take on my chaos?
<Tymless> no
<ruoste> hehe
<deathgerbil> ...
<ruoste> export brave, insert stupid :)
<deathgerbil> either works for me
Ball placed at (21, 7)
Kickoff Roll (6+5) = Throw a rock
Dark Solution: 9 + 20 FanFactor
Fat Packers: 7 + 16 FanFactor
Dark Solution fans throw a rock.
Obese BoneSlicer is hit by the rock.
(6, 6) + 0, 5: Obese BoneSlicer has been seriously injured!!
(46) Smashed Hand - Niggling Injury
Kick result. Direction: 8 Distance: 6
<red> yeehaw
<red> nice hit Deathergerbil ;)
Apothecary used on Obese BoneSlicer.
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
<Kyojima> Damn you, deathgerbil.
<deathgerbil> um... i love you too?
<deathgerbil> i think high elves should get illigal drugs free each match
<Drglord> okay but if you mess up my team i am going to find your house and torch it
Quote from Ball Playing Ogres [R] Ogre bio...
"I don't play teams with DP's. "
8 ogres and HE'S the one afraid?
<deathgerbil> hehe, - an ogre team that refuses to play against teams with dirty players :)
<CircularLogic> good
<CircularLogic> so i have an orc team that refuses to play against mighty blow
<deathgerbil> dude circular, whats your problem?
<CircularLogic> I have my problems with people, who play low-CR coaches with superior teams
<deathgerbil> that coming from you circular is kind of funny. your cr = 179.68. your last opponent's cr = 135.94
<Rijssiej> lol
<Wizard> hehe
<deathgerbil> and i'm sure this is kind of a superior team toohttp://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=909337
<Wizard> gerbil 1 - circular 0
<Synn> pwned!
<Imerikol> busted
<deathgerbil> 148 str orcs vs noob chaos. why not play some halfling next time.
<arktoris> wow, laying down the smack
<Soaren 3> what commands are there? /hurt /boo and /cheer any more?
<deathgerbil6> /kill
<deathgerbil6> only on the admin client though
<Soaren 3> havent heard that one
<Soaren 3> /kill
<Soaren 3> /kill
<Soaren 3> doesnt work
<deathgerbil6> its on the admin client only dude
<deathgerbil6> and it doesn't make sounds, its an auto cas for the next hit
<blu> mh...
<sp#1> /kill
<sp#1> mua
<sp#1> muahah
<sp#1> muahah ahahh hahah
<Rijssiej4> /boot sp#1
<blu> nice move at last some luck
Select an action for Morg 'N' Thorg
Normal move selected.
TARGET: 3 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
Morg 'N' Thorg is knocked over.
(6, 5) + 0, (6, 4) + 0, 6: Morg 'N' Thorg has been KILLED!!
Move ended for Morg 'N' Thorg
203 Str Wood Elves: All players have moved.
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
203 Str Wood Elves turn ended.
Waiting for jorcs to finish TURN: 3
[Game Saved]
<deathgerbil> ...
<blu> spoke to soon
<deathgerbil> upp 4 a game vs your humans?
<s3k> no sorry i dont like suicide
<deathgerbil> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&showmatches=1&team_id=16698 hehe
<deathgerbil> no bull centaurs, no mino, and 2 cds down next game
<Synn> LOL
<Synn> retired
<Synn> christ i have seen kinder train accidents
<deathgerbil> up 4 the match now?
<PurpleChest> fuck
<PurpleChest> hadnt seen the draw
<PurpleChest> :(
<PurpleChest> oh boy
<Hindsberg> rip:(
Foul selected.
<Hindsberg> on mine now
<deathgerbil> i can' only hope
Floriandar fouls Nootau. (6, 2) +2
(5, 5) + 0, 6: Nootau has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 3
Move ended for Floriandar
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
203 Str Wood Elves turn ended.
<<Hark130>> have you no shame?
<deathgerbil> not really
MIGHTY BLOW used on armor roll.
(1, 1) + 1, (0, 0) + 0, 0: Snake Eyes has been knocked prone.
<blu> lol, one dice
<blu> and its a KO
<deathgerbil> at least not a rip?
2 hits later...
Gerbil's Beatdown , Choose a block die.
E.Z Tossa is knocked over.
Player pushed to (18, 8)
RSC or FANG used on injury roll.
(4, 6) + 0, (4, 4) + 2, 6: E.Z Tossa has been KILLED!!
<blu> I have 3 guys on the field how many more you wanna kill
<deathgerbil> 4. ones on the bench
<red> nah I know, failing dodges is the number one RIP and niggling reason
<Malthor> I'd happily trade you all the injuries back for 3 spp on one of my noobs!
Move ended for Takarath Darkspire
<deathgerbil14> if failing dodges is the number one rip and niggling reason then you really need to look at the teams your playing
<red> hello and welcome
<red> let?s hope for a good game without too many hurt :)
<Flynn> uhm
<Flynn> i was planning on hurting quite a few if i can manage it
<Flynn> but have fun :D
<red> just a manner of speaking :)
<deathgerbil1> think he missed his two dirty players
<red> and what I really meant was not too many serioys hurt and/or dead :D
<Flynn> erm
<Flynn> thats the kind of cas i look for
<red> then I?ll just settle for a fun game
<Flynn> hehehe
<Flynn> good pla
<Malthor> don't you maim his team!!!
<Malthor> he was going to play me once he hit TS 250 again lol
<Flynn> well that just sucks for you :P
<Flynn> you requested a no maim after dg requested a maim
<Flynn> he asked first
<Malthor> dg?
<Flynn> deathgerbil
<Malthor> who is dg?
<Malthor> MNG just means another delay heh, NO perms!
<Flynn> yes
<Flynn> yet
<Flynn> dg is deathgerbil
<Flynn> PERM
<deathgerbil> ^_^
<Flynn> hehehehe
<Flynn> that was for the -av
<Malthor> bastard!
<Malthor> Cirion was going to play me once he recovered to TS 250 lol
<deathgerbil> i'll help you out with my chaos when i hit 250 tr if it makes you feel any better
<blu> explain
<Flynn> explain what?
<blu> the last foul
<Flynn> uh
<blu> any reason
<Flynn> i wanted to foul so i fouled?
<razta> hehe
<razta> no win for you :P
Select an action for Foul
<deathgerbil> no team for you
Foul selected.
<blu> thx for the foul in last turn :-(
<Flynn> no problem
<Deathgerbil> gl :) have fun :)
Joyful is suffering from a niggling injury.
<blu> thank the lord that guy is out
Apothecary used.
Picked HEADS. Coin flip is: TAILS!
Gerbil's Beatdown win the toss.
Waiting for Amazonian Goddesses to set players on field.
<Deathgerbil> you were saying?
<blu> dont you want it to be a little fair
<Deathgerbil> not really :P
<blu> I dont like you already
<blu> its on :)
<Deathgerbil> ok. you won't hold it personally against me if i drag this into overtime will you?
<blu> I hate you
<Deathgerbil> <3
<AFK_Eagle> better enjoy this match, DG, as you won't be playing my rats again for a LONG while
Multiple Block selected.
Gerbil's Beatdown , Choose a block die.
Team re-roll used.
2 db Block re-rolled.
Simon is knocked over.
Grim Ironjaw is knocked over.
Player pushed to (18, 11)
CLAW used on armor roll.
MIGHTY BLOW used on injury roll.
(6, 5) + 2, (6, 4) + 1, 4: Grim Ironjaw has been seriously injured!!
(35) Fractured Arm - Miss next game
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
Player pushed to (19, 8)
Player pushed to (18, 8)
CLAW used on armor roll.
MIGHTY BLOW used on injury roll.
(5, 6) + 2, (5, 5) + 1, 1: Simon has been badly hurt!
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
Move ended for Radiance
[Game Saved]
Select an action for Light
<Deathgerbil> NEXT!
<Sinner112> this game is so slow I could paint an entire team in that time... ;)
<Dhaktokh95> i wish i could paint at all
<brownrob108> i didnt know you could paint :P
<Deathgerbil74> i coulda destroyed an entire team in this time!
Foul selected.
Joshua fouls Angie. (6, 4) +3
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(3, 6) + 2, 4: Angie has been seriously injured!!
(61) Smashed Hip - (-1 MA)
IGMEOY Roll = 5
204 Str Wood Elves , Choose a block die.
Move ended for Cuddly
Kelly Gregg is knocked over.
Player pushed to (17, 6)
MIGHTY BLOW used on injury roll.
(4, 6) + 0, (4, 6) + 1, 4: Kelly Gregg has been seriously injured!!
(54) Smashed Knee - Niggling Injury
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
(5) Apothecary SUCCEEDS!
Select an action for Harmony
Foul selected.
Harmony fouls Kelly Gregg. (4, 4) +2
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(3, 5) + 2, 6: Kelly Gregg has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 1
Move ended for Harmony
204 Str Wood Elves: All players have moved.
<Madden> well whats the plan for all that money?
<deathgerbil> to save it up for a tourney then hire about 4 stars and tank someone
<deathgerbil> you know you're in for a shitty game when your opponent is bitching about how slow he is
<;@TheSpoonyBard> ...what?
<;@TheSpoonyBard> he's bitching about how slow HE is?
<;@paulIG> hehe
<;@Synn> you must help him out
<;@TheSpoonyBard> how the fuck does that work?
<;@Synn> remove players
<deathgerbil> that would imply i would get a turn
* Emphasy would slap Gary_Gygax, but is not being violent today
* Deathgerbil slaps gary_gygax
<Deathgerbil> i'll be violent for you then :)
<Emphasy> haha
<DustBunny> lucker got a one turner on me!
<Ameranth> how is it luck to get an OTS? you know theyve got one before you even start the game
<DustBunny> by doing it without a reroll and three dodges through tackle zones
<Deathgerbil> usually when i go up against a one turner, I'm thinking i'm the lucky one :) every time they one turn, I get three sacrafices on the los :) you're just looking at the glass half-empty.
<DustBunny> lol
<DustBunny> but he did it at the end of the half =(
<DustBunny> and i had to set up again
<Deathgerbil> well, then look at it this way... you get another chance to kill the one turner :)
<DustBunny> lol
<DustBunny> yea
<DustBunny> im gunna get him....
<Deathgerbil> you're looking at bloodbowl as "the glass is half empty". when I play, I see the glass as, "hey, I bet you could shank someone with that."
<PurpleChest> dg, i dont thnk many remember you. but kudos on instantly workin to re-establish reputation
<PurpleChest> DG - no.1 killer
<Deathgerbil> ^_^
<pythrr> the name exists in legend
<pythrr> \\o
<Mr_Foulscumm> gerbil was always cute and fluffy :)
<Deathgerbil> yea, i've been away for a while, been hard trying to pass my exams to become dr gerbil
<pythrr> (with giant teeth!)
<pythrr> dr with a scalpel?
<Ameranth> no, not an MD
<Deathgerbil> passed the first year exams :) think about it, I might be the one teaching your kids in a few years :)
<Sionis> Nice ref. :)
<Sionis> Hope he chokes on a bag of dicks.
Foul selected.
TARGET: 2 --- ROLL: 3 + 0 = 3
Jack Grimaldi slips past his opponent(s) unhindered.
Jack Grimaldi fouls Luke Skywalker. (4, 2) +4
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(3, 6) + 2, 5: Luke Skywalker has been seriously injured!!
(16) Broken Ribs - Miss next game
IGMEOY Roll = 5
<deathgerbil3> looks like he didn't use the force
habeli> and there is more than 40ts difference
Tuamadre> yes
Tuamadre> but if you buy a star player
habeli> as my 17th player?