Hi...after some discussions I made during some games and chats, I do feel the need to publish some things about me, to save me and my honorable opponents some time.<br> <p><strong>Gamestyle</strong> I play for fun, so you won´t hear me swearing or anything like this and I expect you (my opponent) to do the same. I moan from time to time, and I expect you also to do so ;) (this damn dices...). My first Intention is to win, not to make you hate me. If this goes along... well, sorry for that. </p> <p><strong>Blocking:</strong> I block a lot. But my intention is not to destroy your team. If I could manage it somehow all the casualties would be "Badly Hurts", but I can´t. Sure you will see me trying to get your best players off the field, but hey! I think everbody tries that.</p> <p><strong>Fouling:</strong> I can not follow all these discussions made around the topic, but OK. I will foul. It is part of the game and I use it. I do NOT unnecessary fouls. I may foul a bit more if your team is much stronger than mine or you have more players. Mostly I foul to get out the key players. That may sound hard. Well maybe it is ;) </p> <p><strong>Good Behavior:</strong> As mentioned above my Intention is not to destroy your team. I will do NO 15th or 16th Turn fouls or crowdpushing, and I expect you to do the same. If you do feel the need to act like that.... well, I won´t disapoint you >). So the punchline would be, treat me as you want me to treat you and we will do just fine ;)</p> <p><strong> won´t play:</strong></p>
<ul> <li>Khemri: I don´t like running after that four mummies all the time...I .. I.. just don´t like'em ;)</li>
<li>Teams with a "One-Turn-Touchdowner" (It is no fun.. Ta..Ta...Ta.. Touchdown...wow :-/ ) </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Blacklist: </strong>Well I thought I would not need something like this, but....well some people ask for it. (If you are beeing displayed here, it is not against you as a person. It is against your style of playing. I am sure in normal day life you are a wonderful person ;))</p> <ul>
<li><strong><a href="http://fumbbl.com/%7ENorthstar">Northstar:</a></strong> 15th turn crowdpushing with two TD lead (for him). After that naming me a "sore looser" because I reacted with a 15th turn foul. An eye for an eye!</li>
<li><strong><a href="http://fumbbl.com/~Seifer">Seifer:</a></strong> useless Foul on the 16th Turn</li>