<b>Which games I play...</b>
I play for fun, so I tend to be looking for an even match. This means that usually I will turn down offers from people with a higher Coach Rating than me. Not always, but mostly. I do however have <a href = http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=497338>a team dedicated to playing much better coaches.</a>
Most of my teams are the soft squishy sort. I try not to elfbowl with them, but I do look at offers from bashing teams carefully. If I'm one or more players down, or your TS/TR is much in your favour, I'm likely to say no.
I tend not to play against teams that are named after footballers. Random. Sorry.
Obviously, all of this applies to Ranked, but that's where all my teams are. ;-)
<b>Notes to Self</b>
<a href = http://www.fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=14552>Wood Elf Defensive Setups</a>