if i pm re a game its generally because its on game finder as recommended
Notes to myself
rookie 0-5
experienced 6-15
veteran 16-30
emerging star 31-50
star player 51-75
super-star 76-125
mega star 126-175
legend 176-
11-25 = 1
26-50 = 2
51-75 = 3
76-100 = 4
11-12 EXTRA TRAINING: Your team has worked long and hard all week for this opponent. You may take an extra Team Re-roll to use for this match only. ????
13-14 INTENSIVE TRAINING: One player is really psyched for this week’s match, and has been working very hard preparing for it. Pick a player on your team. He may take one extra skill to use for this match only, just as if he had rolled a New Skill result on the Star Player Table.
15-16 INSPIRATION: Watching the opposing team in their previous match has taught one of your players a thing or two. Pick a player on your team and give him an extra MVP. If the additional SPPs are enough to give him a new skill then generate it immediately.
21-22 I AM THE GREATEST!: The two opposing players with the most Star Player Points refuse to be on the pitch at the same time in this match. Only one may be set up on the field at the start of each drive. In case of ties, the coach rolling this result may select the player effected.
23-24 BAD PRESS: Libelous stories you have spread cut the opposing team’s Fan Factor in half (rounding up) for this match only. ????
25-26 ILLEGAL DRUGS: Declare this special play immediately (now!). You may choose one player in your team to have either +1 ST OR +1 AG for this match only.
31-32 MORLEY’S REVENGE: The opposing team’s drinks have been spiked with a powerful laxative. D3 randomly selected opposing players have drunk the spiked drink, and must roll a D6 before every kick-off. On a roll of 1-3 they are otherwise engaged and may not take part in this drive. On a roll of 4-6 they may be set up normally.
33-34 SMELLING SALTS: You make all rolls to move a player from the Knocked Out box to the Reserves box on a roll of 2 or better for this match.
35-36 PALMED COIN: You automatically win the coin toss to start the game. Do not flip the coin. ????
41-42 DOOM & GLOOM: The opposing team is feeling uninspired. For the first half, their Team Re-rolls are cut in half, rounded down. ????
43-44 IT WASN’T ME!: One randomly selected player on the opposing team has been getting a little rowdy in anticipation of today’s ‘cakewalk,’ and he’s been arrested! He must miss the match.
45-46 THAT BOY’S GOT TALENT: In your last match you spotted a talented fan in the stands, and he agrees to play for your team. Add one player at any position to your roster for this match only. The player leaves the roster when the match ends. Note that you may add a 17th player to a match in this fashion and this player can exceed your normal positional limits.
51-52 DUH, WHERE AM I?: One player of your choice from the opposing team has been out all night on a bender, and isn’t really ready for the game. The Bone Head rule that applies to Ogres applies to the player for this match only. This result cannot be given to a player with Big Guy or Bone Head.
53-54 BRIBE THE REF: You have taken up a collection to ‘convince’ the ref that your players are a nice, clean bunch of fellows! You may ignore the first penalty called against your team.
55-56 KNUCKLEDUSTERS: A player of your choice in your team counts as having mighty blow for this match only. ????
61-62 VIRUS: A mysterious illness breaks out among the opposing team, knocking out the unhealthiest members of the bunch. Any opposing player with a niggling injury is too sick to show up for this match.
63-64 IRON MAN: A player of your choice in your team is determined to play hard for the whole game, no matter what the cost – in fact, he refuses to get injured! If an opposing player beats his Armour roll, he is only Stunned (do not roll for Injury).
65-66 BUZZING: A player of your choice in your team has gone heavy on the coffee in anticipation of today’s game. For this match only he gains the Jump Up trait and the Frenzy trait, but will automatically fail any attempt to pick up, intercept or catch the ball.
LRB 4.0
2 Sweltering Heat It’s so hot and humid that some players collapse from heat exhaustion. Roll a D6 for each player on the field at the end of a half or after a touchdown is scored. On a roll of 1 the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off.
3 Very Sunny A glorious day, but the blinding sunshine causes a -1 modifier on all attempts to pass the ball
4-10 Nice Perfect Blood Bowl weather.
11 Pouring Rain It’s raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to any attempt to catch, intercept, or pick-up the ball.
12 Blizzard It’s cold and snowing! The ice on the field means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and fall on a roll of 1-2, while the snow means that only quick or short passes can be attempted.