Born in Sept-81 in Karlskoga Sweden. Have been playing Bloodbowl since -95 with a" pause for non-nerd activities" between 99-04 =ยค) I have lots of love and respect for the best strategy game ever!!!
I only have two simple rules:
I NEVER FOUL unless opponent fouls me first.
And i NEVER play DP teams! DP stands for dipers =)
Well... some coaches are nicer then others so here is my RECOMENDATION LIST for the clean ones =)
PurpleChest: He is a great coach and a very good sport :)
ThomCat: A funny guy and a good coach =) We had the most misserable luck in our game but we both laughed like crazy. hihi
Passionis6: My best friend and a formidable BB-player. Always good sport. He has played with me since 95 =)
Agent807: A most exelent player and a true friend=)
A worthy opponent for anyone!
Tassel: A nice guy and a good tactician. We had a fun game with lots of laughter and a good atmosphere =)
Abacus: A REAL non-fouler non-staller!! He was really fun to play=)
Well i have to tell you something i think was very funny =)
I accepted a challenge with my first skaventeam, from a human coach. Well this was no ordinary coach, he had wasted 90k to hire Griff Oberwald instead of buying his third blitzer or whatever.
At the very first kickoff one of my fans got so angry he couldnt stop himself from throwing a rock.
And wat was worse for my opponent was that i didnt stunn or ko him, the rock had hit so bad poor Griff had to go out with a goughed eye before the game had even started =)
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So watch out for them rocklobbin little bast#rds on the stands of my skavengames hihihi
Today on the 24:th of April, my best chaos-player died in the very last turn=( He was my absolute favourite damnit!!! sob sob