Here some general information about...
the game and some according topics:
<b>Do I play or do I not?</b>
Yes - I do take a look at the rosters of potential opponents.
And I am happy if you provide a direct link when you ask me for a match.
… and if I have more challenges at once I pick the best – who would not?
...depends on my mood, your luck, your stats... and my cash, my team... my whatever...
<b>Pre-Match Sequence & Hiring </b>
Read the rules and keep an eye on the opponents money.
I will probably ask you about this - but it is fair in every way it goes.
(Lowering your team rating according to handicap rolls is mentioned in the LRB but not official part of the pre-match sequence of play - but i will do it before challenge or ask you).
Fairness is good.
Even a rough game could be funny (and fair).
But I tent to movements that secure my game, even if I have to kick some single butt into the crowds to prevent some 6+ rolls by that player ending him with the ball in his hands. Few things are more depressive than happening that.
Tactical Stalling - OK
Foul Stalling - BAD
If I have to push an opposing player into the TDZ so that he scores and the slaughtering ends, makes me mad.
Tactical Fouling (Special Players, Positions etc) OK - but still hurts (me & my opponent - but sometimes it has fun aspects... )
Foul fouling (everything & everyone, at stalling etc) BAD - makes me MAD
Useless and permanent fouling is mostly for ... well... people who aren't able to see that they are winning (mostly people who aren’t used to fair winning).
Think about fouling as a confession to the other coach, that he has more skill, a better team or ... it's not a confession, only a proof that the permanent fouler ... has a different perspective on life or is just ...a ... different?
<b>Crowd Pushing/Surfing</b>
Crowd = yellow snow
good to maximise probability to keep/get ball
good to remove danger from pitch
according to that i do not make any experiments and risk anything to avoid you crying about your precious player
It’s all about the ball & my teams - not destroying teams.
I will refrain from doing intentional slaughter except you made me mad about you.
<a href="">new awareness of crowd pushing</a>
crowd - push = no SPPs !
There is a clock at the bb-client & 10 minutes - thats all.
So don't ask me to play faster and then in your consecutive turn you can't manage to stay in time...
And if you start pushing me to play faster probably i won't react. The only thing that can make me play faster is the client-clock.
( see <a href="">Turn Limit and divisional transfers </a> )
If you have to take a break because of .... don't know... then write it.
If you have to take a break suddenly in my turn, i would probably wait about pushing the turn button - but please do not use just shortcuts when you inform me about your needs and pray that i won't cause a turnover.
<b>Interesting things that happened:</b>
[21:43] *** Now talking to sixftsam
[21:43] <sixftsam> heya there
[21:43] sixftsam is JavaWebchatUser
[21:43] sixftsam on #Fumbbl
[21:43] sixftsam using * FumbblNet
[21:43] <lindwurmschlaefer> hi
[21:43] <sixftsam> is your ogre team still looking for a game
[21:44] <lindwurmschlaefer> well - yes
[21:44] <sixftsam> would they be interested in playing my 159 TR undead team
now i searched for this coach...
he wasn't on gamefinder
and what he didn't mentioned was, that his undead team had a TS of 164 and my team much(!) lower...
i am not very picky about that... but concealing the team and just showing the TR .... give me a link - or do you think that i buy a pig in a poke?
[21:46] <sixftsam> should i take that as a no
[21:46] <lindwurmschlaefer> first - go to gamefinder, second you should show the TS also - you are joking this way...
[21:47] *** sixftsam quit (Quit )
until this time his team never lost a game... i think i know the reason... this is the lamest way to conceal a unfair challenge i have witnessed until now.
after that i have found them on GF...