Before I rant on about all kinds of moronic stuff, Id like to make a small tribute to a guy called Cusi. A great friend and a person who made so many peoples lives better. A person who gave so much of himself without demanding anything in return. I will miss him dearly as will the numerous others who had the great privelige of meeting him. Hope your in a better place man.....you definetely deserve it.
Now onto ranting....
I saw a coach who had a "dont play list". Having played many coaches and having not so positive experiences with a couple, I figure Ill make a "dont play list" as well in order to remind myself.
Fliptrix: Verbally abused me the whole game and so far an Unparalleled Whiner in my eyes. Turn 8 fouler.
Veron: 7 turn fouler
ABS: 4 turn delayer in open game
_bardo_: doesnt know the definition of recovery match
Zenemuse: turn8 fouler
Buskopanz: Agrees to give me a recovery game. I have 9 elves to field. I assume he knows the definition of a recovery game. Instead he takes advantage of this and goes on fouling and not very interested in scoring. Pretty cheap and lame.
Sionis: Not interested in winning at all. Just fouling and trying to maim. 8 turn fouler.
Darkchron: Disconnected from a game 2nd half, turn 7 because i was stalling against his team which was fouling me. I had caused no permanent injuries to his team and then this happens.
<Darkchron> for fucks sake score already
Summoned Thrill turn ended.
Waiting for Spawn of Smoochie to finish TURN: 7
[Game Saved]
<majk> y?
<Darkchron> fine
<majk> so i can put players up for you to beat up?
Closing local sockets.
Getting more lame and immature then this kid is hard.
NEWS! Just got this great quote from an opposing player today after the game where he had RIPd my best player through fouling.
"You realize I had to foul right?"
Always cracks me up.....
"Its cool to play non fouling coaches"
Yeah...they always thank me through fouling. Glad you did too buddy.