unlike everyone else here, i am a dorky white male.
im a skeptic, hardcore hardcore libertarian, and i do a lot of artfag stuff. i hang out a lot with them Free State Project kids in NH.
i first read an article about Blood Bowl in fuckin' Dragon Magazine or whatever, waaaaaaaaaaaay back in like, 1993 or somethin', and the idea of it never really left my mind. Through all the travails of entering maturity (technically, anyway) and into my adulthood, i kept the idea of Blood Bowl in my dumb ol' brain, until a couple years ago when i went ahead and bought the tabletop game, $90 bucks on a game i never fuckin played before, And now here i am, BITCHES
i also play some Munchkin, Star Warz X-Wing Minatures, Zombicide, Descent, Your Small Taint, and RPGs when i can. If you are a gamer and you are in the Manchester NH area, we regularly host boardgame nights, so PM me and play some games with us