Currently attending Brandeis University as a Lit Major, and gaming at
High school pretty much consisted of either BB or Mordheim. On breaks, after school, cutting class, whatever time we could create. We only owned one board for 12 people or so. Whoever lost the last game of the day had to take it home with them, and be at school at least 45 minutes before 1st period the next day in order to get in a before school game. People just left the equipment in their car, which lead to the plastic figs getting all melted and warped. Don't any of you older players say the kids aren't hard-core about it.
I'm currently in the process of testing a playbook based on realistic NFL football plays (courtesy from Madden 2k3). It bothers me a lot that coaches will put 5, 6, or 7 men on the line of scrimmage just to get knocked down. Placing everyone up front simplifies the inherent strategy of bloodbowl to a game of craps using block dice. So I'm developing counter-tactics. Right now I'm playing around with basic 3-4 and 4-3 defenses, with a plan to run a modified cover 2 at some point. Anyone interested in helping should contact me, and should also be familiar with the Madden series.