[01:33] * shadow46x2 is now known as horemouse
[01:33] <horemouse> let's play a game
[01:33] <horemouse> i'll name a person
[01:33] <horemouse> you name a person
[01:33] <horemouse> and we'll decide who's better
[01:33] <horemouse> cookie monster
[01:33] <Leif> Hitler :D
[00:53] <Ameranth> bah, kids these days... in my day, we didnt drop a game for anything less than 4 RIP/niggle!
[00:53] <Ameranth> no tombstones for you!
[00:54] * Snappy_Dresser has joined #Fumbbl
[00:54] <Ameranth> of course, we didnt have tombstones in the client back then... you damn kids and your fancy icons
[00:54] <Ameranth> we moved letters and numbers around the screen and WE LIKED IT!
[00:54] <quota> There tombstones in the client? :p
[00:54] <HooliganTuesday> pffft, the problem isn't the tombstombs its when the other team start beating your survivng players with their dead teammates tombstones
[00:54] <Snappy_Dresser> We didn't have a lot of the comforts you youths have today
[00:55] <Snappy_Dresser> heated car seats
[00:55] <Astarael> There was tombstones in Worms
[00:55] <Astarael> Worms was awesome
[00:55] <Snappy_Dresser> fake breasts
[00:55] <quota> I want a heated car seat in BB :/
[00:55] <quota> That'd be nice.
[00:55] <HooliganTuesday> and we had to walk 25 miles to the bloodbowl pitch, up hill both ways
[00:55] <Astarael> I want breasts :/