Easy! Easy! - Has won a game 5-0. ** Yup
Good/Great/Superb/WOW - Has won 100/200/500/1000 games. ** Yup
Reverse Picker - Has won a game playing up 39TS. **Yup
Better than Average - Have a 75% win loss record.
Pick Pick Pick - Have a picker and player badge for all R races. **Yup
Giant killer - Has beaten a player with 180cr **Yup
Revenge - Beat a player with a 5/0/0 or better VS record **Yup
Bow to the Master - Has beaten an Admin **Yup
Now I am the Master - Beat the first active person who beat you 5 times **Yup
My Bunny is… - Have a 10/0/0 record vs someone
Multiblocker - Has killed two people with a single multiblock.
Equal Opportunity - Has killed one of every race. **I'm sure I have
Slaughterer - Has killed one of every position – complete grid.
Supernova - Has killed a star player. **Yup
Big Bang - Has killed every star.
Early Retirement - Has killed a legend. **Yup
Unnecessary Violence - Has killed a player by fouling turn 16. **Yup
Suicide Squad - Kill yourself and your opponent by a both down.
Showboating - Injure every opponent player
Carnage - Kill 5 players in a match. **Yup
Passing & Intercepting
Kack Handed Genius - Complete an AG1/2 Longbomb
Brown Bounce - Score with a bounce pass.
Now You See It - Score with a Dump Off. **Yup
12th Man - Pass into the crowd then score on the same turn.
Plucking Hell - Intercept needing a 10 or more.
Not Again - Intercept three times in one game. **Yup
We can all QB - Get completions with 6 players in a match **Yup
Greatest of Ease - Intercept then pass for a TD without moving.
He’s at the 20 the 10….TD - Score with the ball in your own end zone. **Yup
I Didn’t See It - Passblock to intercept twice in one match. **Yup
Relentless - Foul on all 16 turns.
Self control - Get the ref on turn 1 with 2+ Dp then don’t foul.
REF!! - Have 5 players sent off in the match.
I’ll Show You How - Foul every turn with the highest spp player left.
Paul Hicks - Average 12 fouls a game for 20 games.
Clever Plays
Pushed On - Score 1 turn TD with an MA 6 player (no blitz)
Complex - Score with 2 dodge, 2 block, a pass and hand off **Yup
Torn Apart - Surf 4 players in one turn. **Yup
Less than One Turn - Score on a blitz kick off result. **But I did one turn chain push on a defensive TD on turn one
Dodgy Play - Score needing to make 8 or more dodges.
Player awards – Single Match
Larsson - Get a Larsson (cas, comp, int, td) **Yup
Perfect Larsson - Get a perfect Larsson (as above with MVP) **Yup
Frenzy - Cause 5 cas in one match **Yup
Quarterback - Make 5 completions in one match **Yup
One Turning Scum - Score 5 TD in one match
Player awards – Lifetime
Back Story - Have a bio for a player of more than 1000 words
I Cannot Die - Get a player with -ma, -st, -ag, -av, n or worse!!
Superhuman - Get a player with +ma, +st, +ag, spikes.
Ancient - Have a player age on every aging roll.
Passer - Have a player with 100 completions
Basher - Have a player with 100 casualties
Finisher - Have a player with 100 TDs
Interceptor - Have a player with 25 interceptions
All Rounder - Have a player with 25cp, 25 cas, 25td, and 5 int
Transfer King - Have a player that has plays for 3 teams.
Team awards – Single Match
Teamwork - Every member of the squad gains at least 1spp
Off the Gas - Be cleared from the pitch but still win. **Yup
Shared Around - Score with 5 different players. **Yup
Come Back Kings - Win from 2 behind at half time. **Yup
Skilled Up - 5 or more players gain skill rolls. **Yup
Team awards – Lifetime
Galacticos - Have 5 active legends in a single team.
Tenacious - Recover the team from 6 or less players. **Yup
Long Lived/Legends - Play 500/1000 games with one team.
Well Known - In chat and say your team name 5 \o/’s = badge
Rich - Have a treasury of 500,000gp
Hard - Have a tr of more than 300 **Yup
Bashy - Team cas of more than 1000
Passy - Team completions of more than 1000
Scory - Team TDs of more than 1000
Intercepting Kings - Team Ints of more than 200
Smack Talk – Make your boast in public!!
I Choose You - Nominate a player then kill him in the match
Fixed MVP - State exactly who will score your hat-trick
One handed - State you will win 3-0 with no cas against
Its Mah Ball - State you will clear the pitch.
High Stakes - Loser retires his team (you must win for badge)
Lucky Git
1/36 - Pow a blodger with the ball, -2db no tackle.
666 - Make a play to score needing three 6’s
Numerical Advantage - Cas 5 players at a kick off
My Fans!! - 5+ opponents stunned on pitch invasion yours=0 **But I did once get TEN opponents stunned on a pitch invasion and stunned the last one myself. However, I failed to score on the drive. :)
Blitzer - Get a 3+ favourable blitzes **Yup
My Ref - Ref ignores 5 fouls you make with eye on you.
Favourable Bounce - Ball bounces off 3 opposing players onto yours **probably
Persuasive - Argue the call three times in a row.
Untouchable - Player blocked with 10 dice without falling (1tn)
Rolling on Up - Play through the game without needing a reroll. **Yup
Unlucky Bastard
Diced - Finish a match (no reloads) with luck under 25%
Gone Tripping - Fail a GFI to score twice in the same match
Nothing I Can Do - Roll 10 1s or skulls in a row.
… - Roll 6 skulls on a single block.
That’s got to hurt - Have a 100sp+ player killed by a rock.
GET UP!! - Fail 6+ KO rolls in one go.
Saw Bonehead - Fail 3 consecutive apothecaries.
Fractured - Fail 6 consecutive regens. **Yup
NOOOO!! - Kill a AG 5+ player on a failed dodge. **Yup
Overpowered - Opponent gets ref t1 and t9 with 3 or more dp. **No, but I've done it myself, twice.
Crazy Skills
Big but Graceful - Leap Blitz with a Big Guy for a cas.
So Uneccessary - 5+ players on a team with Diving Catch **Not all at once
Not Playing That - Have 4 players in a team with claw/rsc
Changer of Ways - Have a player with 5 mutations
Overkill - Have a claw/rsc player and choose mighty blow
Full Belly - Has eaten 10 goblins
Perfect Fling - Has scored by a TTM directly into the end zone **Yup
Sniper - Has killed a player with a thrown team-mate **Yup
Greet the Fans - Has thrown a team-mate into the crowd. **Yup
Bug Your Opponent - Score 3 TTMs in one match. **Yup
Very Hard – Your opponent must play normally
Lone Ranger - Has scored with one player on the pitch. **Yup
Major Upset - Has won a major tournament.
Non Contact - Win a game with only you not blocking.
Stuck in the Mud - Win a game making no dodge rolls. **Yup
Piggy in the Middle - Win a game passing every turn you have the ball
Blast em - Kill two players with a single wizard.
Right the First Time - Win 5 consecutive games with no rerolls.
Knocked Down - Win without standing any players up.
Closed Shop - 25 games with a team buying no extra players.
Bland is Best - Get a 200ts team using only linemen.
No 1# - Be the No 1# rated coach in ranked.
Only way is up - Be the worst ranked coach in ranked.
%100 Complete - Complete everything in this thread.
loody Hard - Complete your Grid.
Divorce worthy - Play 5000 games with one team.
True Legend - Have an active player with 1000spp
Divine - Make everyone agree about t16 fouling.
Race specific
He’s Back - Rez a player then kill another with the zombie
Flesh Gordon - Score a hat trick with a Flesh Golem
Wight Wash - Get a td, cas and a comp with both wights
I Lych it - Surf and score in a single blitz with a wolf **Yup
GHOOOOOL - Score 2td each with 2 ghouls in one match
Communal Larsson - Have 1 BO score, 1 cas, 1 complete and 1 int.
AG2 FTW - A Black Orc dodges, picks up and completes.
Deadly Wave - Cause a cas with all four blitzers.
Last Resort - Score 50 Td with a gobbo
Star Quality - Play a game having hired 5 stars.
Chaos Dwarf
Bull Dozer - Win 10 games with no Bull Centaurs
Hob Gob - Get a legend Hobgoblin
Chucked Up - Have a strong arm, accurate big guy with 20cps
Block Head - Score two TD’s in 1 game with CD Blockers
Fire in the Hole - Score a TD with Zzharg Madeye’s Blunderbuss
Short Handed - 20 games vs Dwarves with a winning record.
Pretty as a Picture - Populate your team with hot women pictures
Strong Woman - Cause 50 Cas with an Amazon.
Reinforcements - Hire Zara and have her kill a Mummy.
Hard Task - Play 20 games at 200+ Ts with a 60% win ratio.
Not Evil - Win 10 games with no mummies
Slow and Steady - Score with two mummies in a game
Skelator - Make a Legend Skeleton
Quick and the Dead - One turn with a Blitz-Ra
Just Wrong - Retire an AG4 Khemri uninjured on principle.
REALLY stupid - Fail all boneheads for 3 consecutive turns.
Gobbled Up - Have 3 gobbos eaten in one game.
Final Score - Score with a Hail Mary Diving Catch Combo
Small but Deadly - Cause 50 cas with a gobbo
Grab It - Have 5 players with Diving Tackle
Did that Branch Move? - Kill a player with a rooted Treeman.
Evil Fling - Kill a player on a -3db.
Super Fling - Get 3 Kills with a fling in one game.
Oi Dats My Leg - Make 5 consecutive stunty dodges.
Dirty Beggers - Have a team with 5 or more DP.
Long Beardy Bomb - Complete a long bomb with a Longbeard
So… much… Guard - Put out 11 players with guard for a drive.
Unlikely - 1 Turn with a Longbeard
Honourable Death - Have a TS kill a player using dauntless, then die.
Mustn’t Grumble - Have a team with 50 games but no retirements
Pro Elf
Unusual - Get a 300 TR Elf Team
Clear! - Clear the pitch of an AV9 Team
Star Player - Legend a Catcher
Nasty - Field a team with 6 Mighty Blows
Never Been Done - Win an Elite Smack
Dark Elf
Cauldron of Blood - Kill two players in a match with a witch elf
Stabby - Kill an opponent with Harkans Dagger
Small Beginnings - Legend a Linesman
Fratricide - Kill/SI 100 High Elves
Tackles a Must - Field an all Blodge Team
High Elf
Out of Position - Get 50 Cp with a Dragon Warrior.
Death Star - Hire Prince Morian and get him killed.
Actually Challenging - Make 50 Completions with a PW in 15 Games
Fight the Good Fight - Kill/SI 100 Dark Elves
Brutal Elves - Cause 9 casualties in a match
Wood Elf
Hard and Fast - Cause 50 cas with a Wood Elf Catcher
Boing Boing - Field 6 Players with Leap
Score Quickly - Get a Wood Elf to 51spp in 5 games
Just Another Woodie - Make a Larsson with Jordell
5-0 is too easy - Win a game 7-0 ** Yup...8-0
Speedy Geckos - Play 25 games with no Sauri and a winning ratio
What a Tale - Kill a player because of Prehensile Tail
Blow Dart - Kill a Str5 + player with a skink.
5 to Pick up - Score 50 td with a Saurus
Cold Blooded - Legend a Skink
Smack Talk - Win a smack without the Count
Bigger Brothers - Kill/SI 3/4 mummies on a Khemri team
Who Needs Regen - Legend a Ghoul
Wight On - Get a Wight to 51 Spp in 15 games.
Horde Mentality - Score 3 touchdowns with Zombies in a game
No Weaklings - Play 25 games with no GR and a winning record
Plague Rats - Play 4 rats with foul appearance.
Expendable - Win when suffering 8 casualties
Mighty Mouse - Get a Str 5 Rat (not ogre)
So Fast - Win 6-0 with all four gutters scoring.
Duh - Bonehead 5 ogres in a single turn.
Surprise!! - Win a game with no Ogres.
Pro-phalatic - Give all your Ogres Pro.
Big and Brawny - Cause 50 cas in 10 games.
Lupone Clone - Legend a Goblin
The Munchies - Bite 6 thralls in one match.
Dodgy Rule - Score 2 OFAB TDs in one match
Thrall Power - Make a Legend Thrall
Burn the Rerolls - Play 6 Vamps on the pitch for a game
Look into my Eyes - Successfully gaze 3 players then score
Going Nowhere - Tentacle 5 players for a turn with no escape **Yup
Arm and a Leg - Make a Rotter with long legs and extra arms
Survivable - Give five team members spikes
Beast Lord - Make a Legend Beastman
It’s Lodged Somewhere - Score 10 Tds with your Beast.
Star Struck - Hire all the Human stars for a match
Lithe and Speedy - Score 20 TD with a catcher in 10 games
Blitz! - Score with all four Blitzers
Vanilla - Legend a Linesman
Ornery Ogre - Make 15spp for an Ogre in a match
Unexpected - Play 6 Blodge players in a game
Early Risers - Cause 40 Cas in the first 10 games
Feign Death - Kill a player jumping up from prone
Keep Him Alive - Legend a Blitzer
First! - Win a Legend Smack
Banzai - Play 4 leaping Chaos Warriors
Star Foul - Kill a player fouling with Borak
Tough Carriers - Only score with CW for 10 games (win. ratio)
No use Crying - Make 10 teams Retire
The Number of the Beast - Legend a Minotaur