Contact me via IRC, i will never read PM's
<blu> du bist ein arschloch!
14:02 <raz|wrk> ruoste its funny to specc ur games
14:03 <ruoste> 2 bh in first turn :)
14:03 <raz|wrk> cus i can like anticipate exactly what you will do
14:03 <ruoste> hahah
14:03 <raz|wrk> you play EXACTLY like me
14:03 <raz|wrk> i mean sometimes you specc games and you see all the wrong moves
14:03 <raz|wrk> for optimal bashing
14:03 <raz|wrk> but you play completly right :D
TARGET: 2 --- ROLL: 3 + 0 = 3
Gonzales slips past his opponent(s) unhindered.
TARGET: 3 --- ROLL: 6 + 0 = 6
TARGET: 2 --- ROLL: 6 + 0 = 6
Gonzales slips past his opponent(s) unhindered.
<El_Judicatore> haha!
(1) Gonzales trips and falls trying to go for it!
Move ended for Gonzales
(2, 6) + 0, (2, 1) + 0, 0: Gonzales has been stunned.
Ball moved to ( 17, 4 )
Rampage Rodents turn ended.
[Game Saved]
Posse Comitatus start TURN: 4
[CTRL][ENTER] to end turn.
Or click the turn counter.
<ruoste> :D
<spiro> christ
Normal move selected.
<spiro> what the fak
Move ended for Deputy Frost
<spiro> cheats or what ?
<spiro> ehhh
<spiro> like i said
<spiro> program with errors
<spiro> all faking fails
<spiro> pffff
<spiro> but not really fair and honour
<spiro> only stupid luck help u
<spiro> are u political ?
<spiro> what a unfair match pdfff
<ruoste> LOL
<spiro> what a stupid program
<spiro> and maybe u have cheats
<spiro> pffff
16:56 <spiro> as long as u will have that stupid dialog in ur bio i will not answer for ur offerts
16:56 <ruoste> lol
16:56 <spiro> yea lol
16:56 <ruoste> the dialog stays as a reminder
16:56 <spiro> then u can kiss my u know where
16:56 <spiro> bye
16:57 <ruoste> where do you want me to kiss you?
16:57 <ruoste> does it make you feel warm and cuddly?
<> u are a luckie one
<Chobo> ill concede but if u attack me then ill kill at least one of urs
<Chobo> ^^
Ball placed at (21, 9)
<ruoste> lol
<Chobo> hit me and ill kill
<Chobo> if not ill concede
<Chobo> so
<ruoste> lollolol
<Chobo> finish that round
<ruoste> of course i will hit you
-> mng -> concession
<Enar> seems Nuffle likes your bastard ways of playing
<red> what's wrong with you? I still have 4 platers?
03:17 <Synn> i find that tribute players only work in a very sick way
03:17 <Synn> my best players....
03:17 <Synn> named after topper28
03:17 <Synn> thorpe?
03:17 <Synn> i think Joppie i played once
03:17 <Synn> but every purplechest or texan turns to crap
03:18 <Synn> which i guess does make sense
03:18 <Synn> :D
03:18 <Synn> now that i phrase it like that
00:20 <buskopanz> hi mate
00:20 <buskopanz> u there ?
00:20 <ruoste> yep
00:20 <buskopanz> wanna finish the game ?
00:20 <ruoste> sure
00:20 <buskopanz> proxy busko
00:21 <buskopanz> your team name ?
00:21 <ruoste> hmmh, i wonder what it could be
00:22 <ruoste> must be some pesky understrenght elves
00:22 <ruoste> do you remember what team it was you cherried?
00:23 <buskopanz> i was polaying my dwarfs
00:23 <buskopanz> strange think is that
00:23 <ruoste> ok, they might have been my amazons called "ciao tutti! cherri picki!"
00:24 <ruoste> yep, i agree
00:24 <ruoste> it is very strange
00:24 <buskopanz> i was playing vs rostern
00:24 <ruoste> considering i have never played against you, and probably never will, because i know how lame you are
00:24 <ruoste> well, by now, you should be somewhat aware that i am ruoste
00:25 <buskopanz> byby mate
fun game vs pizza
<ruoste> thanks for the multiblock opportunity, i will take it gladly :)
<pizzamogul> remember
<pizzamogul> the more assists over there the better
Blitz selected.
Select the two players to block using MULTIPLE BLOCK.
Multiple Block selected.
Posse Comitatus , Choose a block die.
Team re-roll used.
2 db Block re-rolled.
Nezahualcoyotl is knocked over.
Atl is knocked over.
Player pushed to (15, 11)
CLAW used on armor roll.
RSC or FANG used on injury roll.
(6, 3) + 2, (6, 1) + 3, 6: Atl has been KILLED!!
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
Player pushed to (14, 12)
CLAW used on armor roll.
RSC or FANG used on injury roll.
(6, 6) + 2, (6, 2) + 2, 6: Nezahualcoyotl has been KILLED!!
<pizzamogul> \o/
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
<ruoste> :D
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
<ruoste> multikill!!!
<pizzamogul> ahahaha
<shadow46x2> wonder how many times i can surf you here :)
<Ro> who you think you are a fucking beach boy??
<Guya> Sicerli.. U buy the star for this match ..
<ruoste> yep, i did
<Guya> it' s seams not so cerrect..
<Guya> corrst..
<ruoste> its perfectly correct
<ruoste> especially against khemrians
<Guya> yes..
<Guya> of course
<Guya> a correctly lammer play...
<ruoste> lammers are lamme!
<ruoste> thanks for the game
<Guya> I hope u 'll find player like U
16:48 <flyor> hi wanna play vs my team turnover with your woodies?
16:48 <flyor>
16:49 <ruoste> heh
16:49 <flyor> ah nevermind, not with your 5 dps .)
16:49 <ruoste> LOL
16:49 <ruoste> how much pussy can one be
16:50 <flyor> i can agree on you requiring them
16:50 <ruoste> you are not too brave, are you?
16:50 <flyor> call me chicken or whatever
16:50 <ruoste> yes
16:50 <ruoste> i will
16:51 <flyor> i don't care, i'm a chicken playing to have fun, and your team doesn't seem like it will give me some
17:05 <ruoste> howdy
17:05 <ruoste> my orcs vs your chaos dorfs?
17:06 <siffmode> 1 sec
17:07 <siffmode> just played orcs
17:07 <ruoste> and?
17:07 <siffmode> dont wonna play them again
17:07 <ruoste> lol
17:08 <siffmode> thats not polite
17:08 <ruoste> lol
17:08 <ruoste> talk to me about not being polite, i've been banned for that
17:09 <siffmode> most dummy word: "lol" nerdy!!!!!!!
17:09 <ruoste> so i know quite well what is, and what is not considered polite around here
17:09 <ruoste> well, do you want me to recite something about your sister, or do we stop here?
17:41 <ruoste> howdy
17:41 <ruoste> my orcs vs your chaos?
17:41 <speedypman> no thanks
17:41 <ruoste> how about my dorfs vs your orcs?
17:41 <speedypman> no thx just played dwarves and i simply dont like them ;)
17:42 <ruoste> well how about my wood elves vs your chaos?
17:43 <speedypman> no thx too much dirty player ;)
17:44 <ruoste> well, do i have any teams that any of your teams have balls to play against?
17:45 <speedypman> sure but im searching 4 a game 4 my little green ones and in that case no sorry mayeb another time
17:45 <ruoste> L O L
<iena> last turn foul ?
<iena> so gay
<iena> gg
<ruoste> what did you expect?
<ruoste> a hug?
<iena> and a kiss
<iena> cya
<ruoste> now thats gay
01:11 <Dominik> [00:10] <iena> u can host direct
01:11 <Dominik> [00:11] <iena> ?
01:11 <Dominik> [00:11] <Dominik>
01:11 <Dominik> [00:11] <Dominik> port 8080
01:11 <Dominik> [00:11] <iena> kk
Funny game with lizviz, guess he didn't see the comedy in it.
<ruoste> uh
<ruoste> back
<ruoste> have fun
<blu> oh
<blu> uh
<blu> sure
<blu> u 2
<ruoste> figures
<blu> "figures"
<blu> "figures"
<blu> brilliant use of a rr btw
<blu> come up with that all by yourself?
<blu> or did you have a team of monkeys working on it all nite?
<ruoste> just lucky i guess?
<blu> nice gift wrapping
<blu> u should save the ribbons
<ruoste> lol
<blu> now see
<blu> that "figures"
<blu> you waste a rr like an idiot at the start of the half
<blu> get lucky for it
<blu> and it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass
<ruoste> lol
<ruoste> you sure have issues
<blu> at least i don't need a ton of filthy luck to win a game
<blu> bahahahashahahahaha
<blu> clearly a well thought out plan
<blu> you and the team of monkeys again
<blu> ?
<ruoste> hey buddy
<ruoste> shut your trap
<blu> sore b/c you can't cash in on gift dice?
<ruoste> yep, its totally my fault that my dice arent helping me to victory
<ruoste> but im not being an asshole about it
<blu> i'll say
<ruoste> next time
<blu> you have no excuses
<ruoste> shut the fuck up
<blu> for not winning this game
<blu> just sad
<blu> sad
<ruoste> and play
<blu> sad
<blu> sad
<ruoste> lol
<ruoste> thanks for the game
<pubstar> lol, just a friendly tip... just because you're new doesn't mean you have to reach for the foul button as soon as you start losing :)
05:25 <turboraton> latino women are beautiful
05:26 <turboraton> actually women are beautiful in general
05:26 <turboraton> you just need to dodge some fat and ugly girls in desperate times
05:26 <turboraton> and you'll do fine
05:26 <turboraton> I hope to god my gf never read those liens
05:26 <ruoste> i'll save them in my bio for just that occasion ;D
18:24 <Lol_Wut> ehy, i want to play, but you have no team in my range
18:24 <Lol_Wut> can you mnake a new one so we can play^^?
18:24 <ruoste> lol