<img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/224590.jpg">
I'm the Skate-Bacon!
Yeah Baby! Enjoy!
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FAQ: Are you a skater from Barcelona?
No I am not!!!!
My name is Sébastien Krawer (sk)
I play basketball in the Basket Club Naborien and I wear the number 8: so I am sk8bcn! Well the name is a bit outdated since my club became the LSB. But I can’t change anymore, I am Skate-Bacon now (thx to Meech for the cool name :D )
188.5 in CR, was 4th in standing in december 2006. Overrated but cool anyway :)
Since this Christer changed the formula for tournaments and my score dropped. Not that I really mind, I'm into blackbox now.
<b>News Marsh 2009</b>
-<b>bloodbowl related</b>: Blackbox and more free time IRL brought me back to Fumbbl. I just enjoy the box at the moment. I just have to activate and play the game. And the whole process takes me 50, 55 mins. The hazard of cancelling my allowed gametime due to 20 mins of lfging is over. Gone the "No thx". OVER! yessss!!!
-<b>non-bloodbowl related</b>:Roleplaying games: Currently playing a campaign on a little french game. It's running perfectly. After that we will move on shadowrun.
Video games: I have a Wii and a XBox360. Playing No more Heroes and NBA2K9 at the moment.
<b>Forum</b>: My <a href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=search&search_author=sk8bcn">count</a>.
<b>In Real Life:</b> I play basketball. I will be playing small forward this season. Basketball is one of the things I appreciate the most, tbh. I'm back from an injury. I think I recovered now, though I m having up and downs at the moment. Gotta fix this.
My favourite players: Allen Iverson. I find king James classless (though efficient). I wonder if I couldn't add Kobe Bryant to the classiest players at the moment.
My favourite RPGs: Shadowrun, Earthdawn, INS/MV... I think I have more than 20 core books and many extention either (including 50 shadowrun books)!
My favourite book: Dune, Frank Herbert.
I currently read Conan!
My favourite games: NBA 2K, Zelda (all).
favourite sites: Fumbbl and Xperteleven.
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=blackbox">Blackbox central tables</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=teams&nav=10&order=9">Blackbox teams ref</a>
Update done!
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