Feel free to do whatever it takes to win - stall, crowd push, foul. I might do all that, even throw a pass! And if I really want to annoy you, i might start dodging with reckless abandon with AG3 players. I view fouls late in the game when the result is settled as petty and spiteful, except when advertised pre-game by a coach with panache and a leaping, DP troll.<p>
Black Box Premiership - Dec/Jan
Useful links:
Shraaaag's player stat parsing file and script to find all the games a team has played and outputs them so you can copy/paste them into the top Players script.
Reason to stall
Head-to-head records
Playing record
SuppleGoo Winner of FUMBBL SMACK Elite CCCXXXVII
White Isle Wizard With the club from foundation till it disbanded.
Project Black Isle Killed in third game in a mismatch against necros that should never have been scheduled.
White Isle Power Niggled in ninth game.
White Isle Ingress First foray into blackbox could have gone better...
Los Culoduros Made such a good impression that another was ordered...
Los Culoduros Still going
WIL Ingress Still going
Interception Rules Side-stepping, TD-scoring kind of guy.
jokers!! Laid low by Hepatitus C.
jokers!! One game wonder.
jokers!! The Jokers order yet another model...
Tentaculation Killed by necro.
Fireball = 9 squares; lightning bolt = 1 square