There a few things that I should point out, in advance:
1. I do not cherrypick. ( Frankly, I'm not even good enough to take advantage of a weaker opponent...)
2. If you foul me, expect to be fouled back (even on turn 16).
3. If you stall, expect to be fouled.
4. Do NOT ask to play my Skaven team if your entire team has AV9, if you have any dirty players, or if you have several players with Claw or Mighty Blow.
5. If you want to play a game for fun, let's get it on.
Mental notes:
Coaches I would play even I only had 2 healthy players against their 15:
1. skavenboy
2. Darkwolf
3. AFK_Eagle
4. Istarios
5. RobtheUncreative
6. pricetb
Coaches I will not play unless forced to in a tournament.
( This is merely a personal list. I am not saying that others should not play these coaches; merely a reminder to myself that their styles do not fit mine.)
1. Weedski - Here's why
<a href="">Warpstone Qualifier</a> (Check the replay)
2. Kord
3. Pmg
4. Myself
5. camcy
6. Blitzwing00
7. Bill Belichick
8. Gunslinger
9. littleoctagon
10. Jurri
11. DM
12. Trevor_24
13. jake
14. Vince Lombardi...wait, he's dead...he could still probably beat me...
15. spiro he...plays...waaaay...tooo...slooooow
16. woodstock
Coaches who are a waste of time asking for a match because they always say "no thx":
1. Wern
2. Jedi_Knight_Amoeba
3. mulvax
4. Freezerator