Luck: Sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't, and sometimes your opponent has it. There will be a few games that you just can't realistically win, due to aberrant dice behavior. There will be a few others that you really can't lose, for the same reason. A good coach will notice the difference between the two. Don't take it personally, nuffle administers his love to all, eventually.
How to solve the two ball client reload bug
reload with .inc
end the turn
reload again with .dat
problem solved
you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
due to the two ball issue caused by the sync
-copied from Jaim's profile, haven't tried it yet.
Every once in a while I creep up in CR to the top 10, but I've never made it higher than #2.
But I find I have more fun when I just don't care :)
I tried PurpleChest's Personal Automatic Race Profiler
and found out that I am a Dark Elf coach. No surprise there :)
Irrelevant but true: I am the Vice President of Pork. Really. That's what my business card says.
Who is the most honorable coach on FUMBBL?
I have played many great coaches and there are countless people who are high on my list, but so far I'd have to put Nighteye at the top.
Cheers Nighteye, you're number one in my book!
Favorite quotes:
From this game:
Haha! I guess that luck has been holding up ;-)
From the Tactics guide:
<Cusi>:...fouling a 0spp lineman because he was there is lame unless you have the ref, fouling the str 5 wardancer is just good sense.
I never met Cusi, but he sounds like a reasonable guy.
<foolwholaughsatdeath>"Tautology is a overrated coach... this was a complete cakewalk."
after this travesty of a game. .
<CircularLogic> Play the ball or look like an idiot.
from his astute commentary on this game.
He's an awfully good coach, I recommend his advice to all ;-)
<Tassel> "Bloodbowl is a game of pure skill. No luck is involved. Remember that."
-misquoting Burnalot, in this case.