I have been playing Blood Bowl for about 14 years, since Third Edition came out. I love the game, it's the best game ever invented.
If you ask me to play, I probably will. Unless you want to play me with your crazy Chaos/Skaven/Orc/Khemri team with Dirty Player, Claws, Razor Sharp Claws, Mighty Blow, etc. against my Wood Elf/Pro Elf/Norse/Amazon team, then I will say no.
Purely self preservation. In the "real world" those teams wouldn't play each other unless it was a tournament or a league. If I spend the time playing and developing the team, I REALLY don't appreciate a coach who's entire game plan is the dismantling of the other team. Seems childish, this is a game played to have fun, go find another Deathdealer to play.
Otherwise feel free to hand me my @$$, just look at my record, it happens often!
reload with .inc
end the turn
reload again with .dat
problem solved
you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
due to the two ball issue caused by the sync
and yes.. play direct whenever you can
<CanvasBack> gratz
<Cribbleobblepie> cheers mate
<Cribbleobblepie> skill
<Cribbleobblepie> coolio
<Cribbleobblepie> you know its turn 8, right?
<thereisaball2> hehehehehehehehehe
<CanvasBack> gah
<thereisaball2> LOL
<thereisaball> Did you Know... It's hella easy to score when the other team only has 4 players on the field and they are all busy running from your guys
/msg authserv@services.fumbbl.com auth <nickname> <password>