A list of the poor saps that I somehow beat and the guys who have fattened up on my weak teams: <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coachopp&coach=50545">My Puny Conquest List</a>
Top 5 Highest Gates:
104,000---At Nuffle's Mercy vs. Hobbits United
100,000---Bash Your Brains In vs. DreckzOrkze
97,000----Bash Your Brains In vs. Dragons of Fantasy
96,000----Occs 2009 Elven All-Stars vs. Hobbits United
95,000----Bash Your Brains In vs. Masters of Misfortune
Top 5 Lowest Gates:
16,000----SUV Moms vs. Walk With Fire
22,000----Family Reunion vs. Dark Legion Of Ianna
22,000----Family Reunion vs. Pestilens Scramblers
25,000----Bash Your Brains In vs. Grinding Bones to Dust
28,000----C.H.U.D. vs. Los de al lao
Select an action for Rat
Foul selected.
Rat fouls Live One. (3, 2) +4
(5, 5) + (0, 6): Live One has been KILLED!
IGMEOY Roll= 1
Move ended for Rat