As part of the
Teams Experimetalem project, I will be highlighting teams which are mentioned in the BB Lore, but don't have an official roster.
One such team is the Evil Gits, the most famous

team in the history of BB.
The Evil Gits were first mentioned in 1st Edition BB and consisted of a mix of Dark Elves, Half Orcs, Orcs and Hobgoblins. They were further mentioned in the 1st Edition expansion, Dead Zone, in respect to their cheerleaders, The Evil Girls. At this point in the development of the game, they appeared to be a mix of players similar to the Chaos All Stars.
They appeared again in the 2nd Edition rulebook, where the Evil Git, Karg Stabneck managed to score without any legs against the Oldheim Ogres. And then again mentioned in the 2nd Edition BB expansion book, Companion, where it was discussed how they developed a ‘One-Gobbo Tank’. Rather than being a mix of races, the 2nd Edition Evil Gits seemed to be a team of goblins.
There were further unofficial rosters which come out in the 1990s, which included chaos dwarves, skaven and ogres. But no official team was every developed for later editions of BB.
They were mentioned in LRB 5th Edition, where it was suggested they were similar to the original 1st Edition set up but joined by Skavens, Goblins and Ogres.
In the official rules from 2016, the Evil Gits are once again mentioned. But this time they are described as a team made up of evil humans, hobgoblins, orcs and dark elves. Maybe the humans are mentioned because BB 2016 doesn't recognise Half-Orc players.
With all this rich background, going right back to the first edition of the game, a distinct team could be developed from all this information.
The first edition Evil Gits team was originally a mix of Half-Orcs, Dark Elves, Orcs and Hobgoblins. So the team should include all those races.
The 2nd Edition version was clearly a goblins team and there is a rich vein of history, which means the team should have access to goblins.
Skavens and Ogres were included in the 5th Edition "Did You Know's". But as this is an evil team, Skavens shouldn't be included. They are after all creatures made from chaos. Also there are no stories about the Evil Gits which include any mention of a skaven player. This is similarly true of Ogre players. No Ogres are mentioned in any stories about the Evil Gits.
The 2nd edition Evil Gits included a few stories about goblins with secret weapons. So an Evil Gits team needs to have access to goblin secret weapons. There is a specific mention of the One-Gobbo Tank, which would be a great addition.
So as the Chaos All Stars is represented by the Chaos Pact roster, the Evil Gits could be represented by the Evil United roster.
Play Testing
The team plays like Chaos Pact without the big guys. Though the goblin secret weapons add to the fun.
The cheap Half-Orc linemen (cheaper than a goblin), means that the starting roster normally begins with more than just 11 players. Which is handy, especially if the team starts to foul en masse (like you'd expect an evil team to do) or the coach overdoses on secret weapons.
The One-Gobbo-Tank is an interesting addition to the choice of secret weapons. It gives an option for a hail mary pass + bomber, which defintely adds to the mayhem of the team.
The team is not overpowered and sits nicely around Tier 2.
Evil Half Orc Lineman
They are the backbone of the team and are based upon the Half Orc lineman in the Secret League. They are cheaper than goblins at 30K which means coaches can start with a long bench - which is perfect for the fouling game.
Evil Dark Elves and Evil Orcs
These are based on dark elf and orc lineman.
Evil Hobgoblin Gits
These are based on the chaos dwarf hobgoblins with the dirty player skill added, just to increase the gittyness.
Goblin Looney, Pogoer and Bombardier
These are the same price as the normal Goblin Looneys, Pogoers and Bombardiers.
One-Gobbo Tank
This is mentioned in 2nd Edition BB book, Companion. It is based upon the dwarf death roller, but has ST6 and includes a rocket launcher.
No/Player | MA/ST/AG/AV | Single/Double | Skill | Price |
0-12 Evil Half Orc | 6/3/2/7 | G/ASP | | 30,000 |
0-2 Evil Hobgoblin Git | 6/3/3/7 | G/ASP | Dirty Player, Animosity | 50,000 |
0-2 Evil Orc | 5/3/3/9 | G/ASP | Animosity | 50,000 |
0-2 Evil Dark Elf | 6/3/4/8 | GA/SP | Animosity | 70,000 |
0-1 Goblin Looney | 6/2/3/7 | A/PGS | Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stunty | 40,000 |
0-1 Goblin Bombardier | 6/2/3/7 | A/PGS | Bombardier, Secret Weapon, Dodge, Stunty | 40,000 |
0-1 One-Gobbo Tank | 4/6/1/9 | S/GAP | Bombardier, Bone-head, Break Tackle, Dirty Player, Hail Mary Pass, Loner, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm | 170,000 |
0-1 Goblin Pogoer | 7/2/3/7 | A/PGS | Dodge, Stunty, Very Long Legs, Leap | 70,000 |
Rerolls 70K
Apothecary Yes
Icon created by XpherAndTheAxes