Posted by Uberskiller on 2009-06-01 14:47:38
Right now in the games-list:
11 [R] 2 / 1 56%
Sweetcherry (150) (138/144) Skaven Blight Marauders 1 - 1 Skaven (156/98) (145.69) DocDave Splinters Family Beta 8.9 (Spectate)
Is 46 ts difference considered cherrypicking or sheer stupidity??
Posted by Tesifonte on 2009-06-01 14:47:41
Astarael, dude, just check Forces games...He aint no picker.
He had to play a tourney game against some flings who were like 100 ts lower than him...(otherwise this matchup wont be valid)
So, maybe, next time you will want to have a look first and then shoot your gun? :)
Posted by Uberskiller on 2009-06-01 14:49:07
Uh, and i checked it.
The display wasnt bugged, it is an actual game (and the coaches didnt just play for the lulz as DocDave told something about a recovery-game).
Posted by Tesifonte on 2009-06-01 14:51:48
Lol...check this dorfs...4 games, +20 cas dif...
Posted by MyNameisEarl on 2009-06-01 14:58:09
I got called a cherry picker by a guy who according to the Championship ratings had played down exactly the same as i had in the month of May!
Does it occur to people that there are coaches on here who play for fun and who also play during periods where there are not many coaches online and they take what they can get? Its no excuse because i really don't care about (a) CR and (b) whingy coaches but when i saw this blog i laughed out loud!
Some of you take this site WAYYYYY to seriously.
Posted by Astarael on 2009-06-01 15:09:55
Heh, if the tone of the post wasn't evident enough, I really don't take this seriously..
Who called you a cherrypicker though?
Posted by maysrill on 2009-06-01 16:45:29
Me thinks he doth protest too much!
I dread the day I have a slow month and a lopsided tourney game get me on here. (probably won't happen, but it would suck).
I've also considered playing my ogres at 39-40 TS down just to make the good guy list. :) (that probably won't happen either)
Posted by SeraphimRed on 2009-06-01 16:48:42
If I played [R] at all often it'd be worth picking to get on Ast's list. \o/
Posted by Rijssiej on 2009-06-01 21:49:36
Darn...still not on there....need to pick more...
Posted by Archevol on 2009-06-01 22:03:23
Had a bit of an argument a few days ago here with a chap who claimed he never cherrypicked. On checking his backlist of games, he'd played like one coach over 150CR in over 20 games.
Is it too late to do nominations? He certainly deserved it for claiming he never checked the CR... Also got him to admit that he never accepted offers. 8)
Posted by Archevol on 2009-06-01 22:06:44
On just checking, he's just played a coach with CR160+. He got stuffed 4-0... that'll eat into his 83% winning record...
Posted by pythrr on 2009-06-01 23:43:37
meh, been travelling this month
got my picking boots on and will try harder this month!
And in June thou shalt picketh!
Posted by MyNameisEarl on 2009-06-02 14:54:03
he he heeeee! How easy it is to push sad CR obsessed coaches buttons! :D
Even funnier is you lie to make your point (never said i don't accept offers, actually said i MOSTLY accept offers for games and i don't offer very many... close tho) and even funnier is you take my first ever Blackbox game (not a very smart place for a supposed cherrypicker to play is it Archevol) and in a game that i was so badly Nuffled that my opponent BillBrasky was apologising regularly and just amazed at the dice. Feel free to ask him... oh but that will ruin your fantasticly researched arguments... 8/
But your right Archevol... i mean a look into your early games on this site don't show anything like playing down in CR at all... but then you worry about things like that so much that you check coaches games so you can call them a cherrypicker... time for a life my friend.