Posted by happygrue on 2014-03-15 16:09:54
Nice job! Salsa used to be the top Slann blitzer for passing and passing yards, but Governor has shattered his records there! Ag 5 is mighty fun. :D
Posted by Atari on 2014-03-15 16:12:29
Salsa was my inspiration for sure! AG5 is definitely fun to mess around with and completely changed my play style with these guys...maybe not for the better :P but definite enjoyment of the antics!
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-03-15 17:41:38
Lovely player. Sidestep will make him a huge asset on defense as well (and if you use him optimally, it will drastically reduce his lifespan). Frenzy could be fun, tackle would be sensible. So would fend.
Posted by albinv on 2014-03-15 18:34:04
Well done, my respect!
Posted by CroixFer on 2014-03-15 19:44:07
Congrats, mate. Always wellcome to see a nice slann player.
Posted by BooAhl on 2014-03-15 19:45:46
SS, Tackle or Stripp ball
Posted by Nightbird on 2014-03-15 21:09:51
Nice work.
Tackle for this player.
Posted by Cloggy on 2014-03-16 00:10:01
Has to be pass block. Ag5 and VLL combine for juicy interception rolls, while leap lets him get to pretty much any legal square.
I know it isn't the best skill in the house, but it would be very fitting for him.
Posted by Atari on 2014-03-16 00:11:05
Thanks all for advice and gratz. Will sleep on it and see what a fresh mind will bring to the table about his best future in the team. See you on the fields soon!
Posted by happygrue on 2014-03-16 00:34:01
For what it's worth, I would take SS on him. Other things are tempting, but SS you are going to use on offense, defense and it's going to help keep him alive (both from reducing blocks/fouls taken and from not getting surfed after failed pickups). Other options make him more specialized and open up awesome doors (pass block, he can mark someone and STILL get a 4+ int roll, strip ball, etc.) but I like to go more general on the player you are going to have out there every drive and who would be the clutch player left on the pitch in OT.
Posted by JackassRampant on 2014-03-16 01:14:05
Congratz! Rated 5, because I'm slightly disappointed. I saw (R) there, and I figured your post was gonna be inappropriate for children. Y U GET MY HOPES UP? That's [expletive]… jk rated 6.
Posted by cdassak on 2014-03-16 22:45:19
Grats! How appropriate your first legend being Slann :)