Posted by JanMattys on 2009-02-03 13:18:28
1- Scommetto che usi Libero... capitava anche a me :/
2- Il 2-balls bug è conosciuto, è un problema di reload (note for all the other fumbblers: please someone copy/paste the solution of the two-balls bug for this guy...)
3- Giocare usando direct-connect invece di un proxy è molto, molto meglio in caso di disconnessioni.
4- Il savegame registra due files: il file INC è un file che salva a ogni fine azione, ed è di solito buggato in caso di disconnessioni perchè non è uguale per entrambi i giocatori... il file DAT, invece (che consiglio sempre di usare) salva a ogni touchdown e a fine turno, ed è salvato da entrambe le parti quindi è esente da bug dovuti a una de-sincronizzazione.
Posted by Juff on 2009-02-03 14:55:23
"I blame the connection, but i can assure that not all players are so gentle and kind to pass the turn and let you repeat your score."
They should, even if it takes a couple of reloads. Both coaches should do everything in their power to recreate the game as it was just before the crash/disconnect.
In one of the other examples you gave, a decent coach would have retreated the fouling player that wasn't sent off on the reload, and treat them as if they were off the pitch. (Or at least not argued after being caught the second time!)
Posted by peikko on 2009-02-03 15:35:49
Prolly same in english
How to solve the two ball client reload bug
reload with .inc
end the turn
reload again with .dat
problem solved
Posted by Zombie69 on 2009-02-03 18:54:07
To expand on what Juff said, not just a decent coach, but any coach following Fumbbl rules. The rules clearly state that you must do everything possible to replicate the state of the game as closely as possible after a disconnection. This includes repeating multiple times until the same event occurs, or if it's too unlikely to be reproduced, moving a sent off player into a corner and not using him, etc.
You and your opponents need to start applying those rules.