Posted by vaclav on 2014-10-30 12:59:56
no, please, no merging divisions...
Posted by Calcium on 2014-10-30 13:01:04
1 sided nonsense as ever with the vocal minority that is the anti clawPOMB movement.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2014-10-30 13:01:43
I like the idea (though I don't think it would happen) but if you're going to have a Houserules division then you may as well go all the way, set up a Fumbbl Rules Committee and tweak rosters etc.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2014-10-30 13:31:48
Sigh...."clawporn abusers". Not worthy of a reply but you got one so good troll.
Posted by Brainsaw on 2014-10-30 13:46:37
Same old people writng the same old erm.. "things" ,-)
Instead of just complaining, how about contributing something constructive and help develop fumbbl?
There is a clear majority of Coaches who think ClawPOMB is broken.
Yes, you can ignore them OR you can at least TRY to fix things.
If christer decides to leave things as they are we have to accept this, if
we want to continue using this site. But we may at least point out some flaws or state our thoughts about it so he CAN become aware of it.
Posted by koadah on 2014-10-30 14:41:31
Nice idea but if we do it your way the two divisions end up being very similar.
I prefer house rules and play most of my games using them but the difference is not enough to warrant two otherwise identical divisions.
Applying house rules to Box only has been considered and declined so this discussion is pretty much over.
Posted by Wreckage on 2014-10-30 15:57:53
I'm all for merging divisions but just to keep on going about this after C told you to put a stop on it is just riding a dead horse.
The smart thing would be to wait a year or two before bringing that up again.
Posted by Brainsaw on 2014-10-30 16:49:49
Christer did tell me to stop this? hu?
Still i cant believe Christer ignores more than 50% of the coaches here being unhappy with the rules...
Posted by Endzone on 2014-10-30 16:52:06
Christer, in his 2011 blog stated:
"Merging the divisions
A number of people have suggested to merge the divisions into one. The reasoning behind this is to try to get the "best of both worlds". The way I see it, merging these two divisions would completely destroy the point of the black-box. The two different types of competitiveness I outlined above are simply not compatible and one of them would die (hint: it would be the open ranked way that would survive)."
And in another recent thread he linked this so we can assume this remains his view. I think what he is saying is if you put the Box scheduler into R you wouldn't end up with R and B sitting alongside each other in the same division, you would end up with R with a scheduler in it.
Let me explain what I mean: Coaches who kept going with only 'Box' scheduled teams would be disadvantaged in their team build against coaches who also played open R format and could pick a few easy or rebuild games. Ultimately the best and most dangerous teams in the 'Box' would be those that played both formats. At an inherent competitive disadvantage the attraction to playing Box only would diminish and effectively the Box concept would die. The scheduler itself may continue to thrive but it wouldn't be Box, it would be the R scheduler.
This explanation is all just a thought experiment to me, but it seems logical enough that I can't how the Box concept would survive if the division merged.
I like the idea of a 'Fumbbl Ruleset Box' but as we only just about have the volume of matches for the Box scheduler now I don't think we can afford to fragment our playing volume across another division.
Posted by koadah on 2014-10-30 17:14:49
"Still i cant believe Christer ignores more than 50% of the coaches here being unhappy with the rules..."
It is quite easy to believe. Do you think that you could get 50% of the 50% to agree on a ruleset? ;)
Posted by Endzone on 2014-10-30 17:53:31
"Still i cant believe Christer ignores more than 50% of the coaches here being unhappy with the rules..."
A very unfair comment in my opinion.
Posted by Wreckage on 2014-10-30 18:14:24
2011? ...thats the most recent.. I think that was today.
Posted by Russo on 2014-10-30 18:16:07
If you don't like Box don't play there.
I play L with a little bit of S and R. I don't complain about B, I just chose not to play there!!
No one is forcing you
Posted by SpecialOne on 2014-10-30 19:09:26
A danish guy, who where close to old rules commitee, has made a Narrow Tier suggestion, witch is played in a TT-league in Copenhagen, just to test it out.
Posted by selfy_74 on 2014-10-30 19:16:03
Calling it 'Clawpomb abuser' makes it sound dirty and horrible and something to be ashamed of. How about 'Clawpomb artiste', that's a lot better.