It has taken me 5 years, 5 months, 6 days and 1719 games to get a player to reach Legend. However that information is misleading as those games are spread over 128 teams, none of which has reached 100 games. Not unexpectedly, the team that this new Legend plays for is also my team with the most games at 64 -
I Want My MTV. This is one of the two teams I resurrected with my Kickstarter 'Ragequitter' reward.
So after much ado, I present to you... <drum roll> -
Cult of Personality, super werewolf who has played 61 of his team's 64 games. Only one player on the team has more games and that is
Beat It, utility zombie with 62 games.
I rolled a double for the wolf's final skill, so of course I took Mighty Blow. I had given quite a bit of thought to what normal skill I was going to take and had settled on Diving Tackle, but Nuffle was generous. Or maybe he took pity on me because I'm so slow.
Anyway, now that I've made a spectacle of him he'll probably suffer a horrible injury. But at least I still have a potion. Which would be fitting as I used the Healing Sponge on him as soon as the team was reactivated from Ragequitter. I'll try not to gush over the next Legend, but no promsises.