Posted by Fancypants on 2020-04-09 00:04:14
Nice read! Very relatable
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2020-04-09 01:19:49
Considering you once booted my ag4 frog before scoring for a loss as khemri, I consider this completely natural ;)
Best of luck mate, you're a formidable opponent whatever style you play.
Posted by det on 2020-04-09 08:36:16
Ogres are awesome!!! Truly...good luck with them!!!
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2020-04-09 10:50:29
Great blogg. Usualy I dont bother to read everything in a blogg this long, but this was great. I am usualy on the other side of the fence, that I just play for the fun and dont bother to position every important move, which lead to a loss more often than not. And thats quite alright.
But, maybe 6 months back I started to play more serious but it was hard to play that serious for every game and I noticed that It actually wasnt my "style" to be that "good". I realised that I had less fun and it took a toll on me to play a style that wasnt mine.
However I managed to strighten up my game and save my energy to play more serious for some games that I thought was more important.
Maybe you should try to do the same. Choose on of your leagues that you can play more relaxed and just for fun and play the other more important tournaments like you usualy do.
I dont think we can completely turn around things in our lifes but I do think we can "tweak" them into directions that leads somewhere else than we usualy ends up.
Posted by tussock on 2020-04-09 11:07:36
I think a reckless abandon for fouling for a bit teaches you a lot about how fouls can win you games, because you see first hand how they lose games and how they win them.
And how absolutely amazing Dirty Player is as a skill, and how ridiculously under-priced bribes are with them. But shhh, don't tell everyone.
Posted by Chivite on 2020-04-09 12:00:45
Thanks for the comments!
@AD I dont even remember that, but im glad to hear that!
@Bloodfeast I kind of am doing what you suggest, I am puting the angry blackboxcasters and the ogre team in every spin i am doing in the box, along with my second run at the trophy(which is to a bad start,but meh) so Nuffle decides if i play for wreckage or for victory.
@Tussock, Indeed!! fouling is awesome, it is a snowball catalist, either in your favour or against you, depending how attentive the ref is! always fun though
Posted by JanMattys on 2020-04-10 05:46:52
To be honest I am all for fun as long as you play to win. I can get 100% behind the idea that winning should not go to your head and that having a bit of perspective helps the fun, but a t16 before scoring the winning touchdown is against the spirit of the game. Foul me all you want during the game if that helps you, but deliberately risking a win just cuz is breaking the social contract. It means that we are not playing the same game any more. It's like playing chess against someone with the only goal of killing all his rooks instead of going for the king. I mean, you COULD do that, but seriously what's the point in playing you? I agreed to a game of chess to pit my ability to win against yours, and if you don't care about that I might as well play against someone else who does, thankyou very much.
In that regard, playing in the Box is even worse because people can't dodge you. (and I don't mean "dodge you because you are nasty", I mean "dodge you because you don't care about winning").
You are literally tricking them into playing a different game whose rules and goals are entirely in your head.
Other than that, more power to you.
Seriously, first you say "pixels die doing what they have to do", which is an awesome statement and as true to the spirit of the game as they get, and then you shift to t16 fouling before securing the win. That's a pretty major leap of logic there.
Posted by Dalfort on 2020-04-10 15:03:04
@JanMattys. I respect your opinion of playing to win, but I call in to question that there is a social contract that exists that everyone is sitting down to a game of "chess", this is Blood Bowl. A game with a rich background and history set in a fantasy world where races are not expected to win, where races are notorious for their flagrant ignorance to rules and where coaches come from all walks of life and mind set.
When I cam to FUMBBL way back in the dark days of Faction, I soon learnt I merely knew how the pieces moved not how to move them. Winning was elusive to me, so I found other ways to enjoy myself whilst my team got battered both physically and on the scoreline. One coach did mention that he thought I was being selfish in my approach and I did amend my style slightly and tried "trying" so as not to be "disrespectful" but I also realise it just as selfish of others to be expected to play by their standards especially when social contracting is not verbalised beforehand.
Posted by JanMattys on 2020-04-10 15:43:31
I don't really think that hiding behind the funny BB satirical background matters much. When you play against someone you must have a very basic understainding of what you two are doing or otherwise what's the point. I find the (very basic) contract is "we both play to win at the best of our ability".
You could argue that your Dwarf team "momma lovers" play just to replicate the "hi mom" writing with their position on the field, for the crowd to see... but, even assuming this makes sense, I think it would be fair if your opponent is notified in advance.
I for one would be glad to be crushed by your dwarfs or your khemri, but if I enter a game and just see you move your pieces to reproduce "hi mom" on the field, I think I would be right to feel cheated out of my hour of gaming.
There MUST be some kind of very very very very basic common ground before we both sit and decide to spend an hour of our free time together. And "try to win" seems the most obvious one.
The same goes (albeit to a lesser extent, obviously) for those who perform actions 100% logically incompatible with the notion of trying to win, either in the short run (the game) or the long run (gathering spps or maiming a contender in a closed league).
Posted by ben_awesome on 2020-04-10 16:47:15
The idea of a social contract is that both coaches play to enjoy. Therefore 'playing only to win' when you've pitched cleared you opponent in turn 12 and are now just skipping turns to score the winning TD in turn 16 is breaking that contract.
Posted by Chivite on 2020-04-11 00:07:24
If you face a team called "Angry BlackBox Casters" you should well know what to expect. And if in turn 16 i need to do a 5-4-2-2-2-5-4 to score, but i also have a downed bull and 2 assists... Why wouldnt I try accomplish both? You shouldnt feel cheated of your gaming time, If I choose to hinder my own chances of wining that is on me and me alone. It is like saying that playing against stunties hinders your fun cos they are less competitive
Posted by JanMattys on 2020-04-11 08:08:53
I suppose you are right. But the fact that some races are better equipped than others for wins has nothing to do with the fact that once you are in game you should play them at the best of your ability. The game being sometimes unbalanced doesn't mean a free pass for illogical behaviour.
Also, telling me "I should know what to expect" from a team/coach when it's the Box and the pairing is blind is... well, nonsense? I suppose you could say that if I enter the box I shouldn't have expectations at all. At that maybe is right. But I still feel that "expecting my opponent to care about the win" is very very low bottom expectation.
Anyway, let's agree to disagree. You also happen to have a far better w/t/l record than me, so whatever you are doing, it seems to be the right thing to do in order to win. More power to you I guess :)