I'm assuming you've all seen the demise of my Temple Guardian Cipactli by now? I've never been one to wrap him up in cotton wool and hide him away to only play tournament games. Someone like this only comes around once and I took full advantage of him while I had him! All good things come to an end though (Ask Stompy in his new retirement home!), and young Bill Vestergaard has managed to killed him (Well, technically it was my foolish apothecary, but we'll not argue semantics!).
Well, I figured seeing as how he's got a new life, he'd need a new set of icons, right? For those not familiar with what he used to look like, this was him while he played for Big Hats FTW...
...pretty neat, huh?
Now I'm no expert on playing around with Icons, but seeing the long running thread on LRB5/6 icons has inspired me to try a bit of basic re-colouring and cutting & pasting, and I came up with a new zombified Temple Guardian!
Hope you like him Bill, if I could have 'donated' him to anyone on the site it would have been you!
(Anybody can feel free to give me a shout if they need a hand with how to use these in the client.)