Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-05-22 12:34:22
If I buy a new console, I'll go Playstation, but I can't see me getting one for a long time. Seriously miffed with the level of service and the amount of crap I've had to replace with my xbox360.
6 xboxes.
1 HD
2 controllers
1 headset
1 wireless transmitter
3 game replacements
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-05-22 12:47:45
See i hear about these bad xboxes yes i agree with the early versions of xboxes but since the new slims i have not heard of any over heating etc etc.
I used to love Playstations but they are falling behind reason i went to xbox, yes you have to pay for xbox live but its so worth it.
So any one on a xbox add me gamer tag: Mr Blue Playdoh
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-05-22 12:53:47
I think, you have to pay for PS as well now. And yes all of mine have been the older type. However I have the largest and most expensive HD drive for the older type, so replacing it with a slim would have meant replacing that too..........which I had to do eventually as well!!
Level of service has also been terrible, very difficult to get anything done with the help there.
The only reason (at the time) I bought an xbox (and then the 360) was for Forza motorsport, but they've moved away from what I want from the franchise and I have moved on to a PC sim, and really wished I did that sooner.
I really like customising things to my spec (like making icons here). And you just can't do that on a console.
Let's say they had the cyanide game for the console and pc, well on the pc you can get custom players done by other coaches, that makes it much more interesting. I just don't see the point now. Consoles have taught people like me about online gaming, and the natural step after that is to jump over to the PC.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-05-22 13:12:58
Microsoft are rich enough.
If I want a console, I'll buy a Ouya or something like it.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2013-05-22 13:24:21
I'd find pre-ordering before they've even announced the prices to be incredibly risky. Typically console launches are massively overpriced.
Still, if you've got the cash go for it. It's looking impressive already :)
Posted by truckerpunk on 2013-05-22 14:02:20
- What Chainsaw said. I do agree.
Posted by B_SIDE on 2013-05-22 15:07:19
I did 5 Xboxes. Then I bought a PC. No more Xboxes.
Posted by erased000026 on 2013-05-22 15:24:01
Can't use old games unless you pay for it - per game. Not as strong as Playstation4 gamewise. I already think it is a bad investment.
Posted by pythrr on 2013-05-22 15:28:17
holy crap, Emphasy is back?
Posted by Lorebass on 2013-05-22 15:52:05
I dunno man, is it a good idea to remind people of the FIRST X-Box? (you know the one that crashed when they first demo'd it?