A majority of blog posts concerning player achievements often hail the arrival of a legend, or the ability to support achieve several on the same team at once.
But here I am, 3-4 years on (though a huge part of that inactive), and I have only just achieved my first ever superstar - The Downward Spiral.
But he only has 4 skill selections you cry! He's no superstar! But you see, he recently has tipped over the 76 SPP limit having thrown 3 completions in his last game while sitting on 75. I'm in a pickle, because I don't actually know what to pick for him.
As we can see, he has accurate, blodge, +ag on top of his default skills pass and sure hands. His superstar skill roll is a normal roll, and I'm leaning towards fend. I mainly use him as the initial backfield gatherer who then steps up and hands off or throws when I feel I can break through enemy lines with someone fast. This kind of role would naturally mean kick-off return is in the picture, but because skaven are already so fast - I'm wondering whether it'll be as useful as something like fend. Any other skill suggestions are welcome!
EDIT: Leader perhaps? Only have 3 team RRs.