Posted by Anzelak on 2015-10-23 17:17:56
Better coaches than me have said to generally take guard in a weekly league situation, and mighty blow in a broken persistent open league setup like R/B/Cyanide.
Posted by licker on 2015-10-23 17:21:00
You can never have too much guard, never. For a team like orcs or dwarfs its about the only defense available vs. cpomb.
Now fair enough to say it doesn't seem like it helps that much vs. elfs or other teams you naturally out strength, but you can't have everything now can you?
Personally I don't like to take guard on my blitzers (well one or two will get it at some point), so having it on the BoBs and any lucky line orc with a double, is how I'd approach it.
Blitzers need tackle and mighty blow, one of them usually gets sure hands, the MB guys probably get piling on, and stats are simply amazing on them. So guard 1st or 2nd almost never happens to my blitzers.
Posted by gansus on 2015-10-23 20:48:48
Totally agree with licker: guard on blitzers is fine, but it is much more advisable to have it on BOBs (i mean with you talking about 1st stage of team development).
Its SO typical that opponent needs to "move" your guard guys in order to have a chance to break your defence (or your cage)... And when guard guys are st 4 its much more difficult.
As licker said, i find it more useful to start orc blitzers with tackle, MB, maybe strip ball... At least with one of them. Guard would come later
Posted by SpecialOne on 2015-10-23 21:06:03
So no "fun" stuff at all? I gave Diving Tackle on a Blitzer with a double, and that gave me some deep cover early on the team. It fustrated the hell out of a HE I played a draw against. I do like to follow the statistics, but some times you can upset a good coach by not following the usual scematics for teambiulding.
Posted by Gurbo on 2015-10-23 21:06:44
Guard all mens! An important asset against stronger teams, and infuriating for weaker ones.
Posted by Grod on 2015-10-24 01:55:23
Guard is better on black orcs than blitzers (but great on both in any case). In any block sequence, opponents will need to knock down or move guard players first to get favourable subsequent blocks. If guard players have high strength it makes initiating the sequence MUCH harder.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-10-24 02:37:58
2 points I'd like to make. You actually have a choice of 1st skills. MB or block. Personally I'd never go MB first. You couldn't however go guard first.
The division makes a difference. You need to limit the amount of MB you have in a division where you can choose your opponent. Especially if you're playing a Stone team.
Personally, if I had 4 2 skill black orc blockers I would like 2 B/MB 2 B/G or 1 B/MB 3 B/G.
Again like the roster advice in the help section, there's no right or wrong on issues like this. Personal choice and personal play style. I know that I'm a low man marker with high AV teams but a heavy blocker, meaning I'll give up a bit of position to get in more blocks. So, a team for me would accommodate this playstyle.