Preparing for xfl the Crossdressers hit 100 games! And I forgot about until afterwards... but it was a good game! Fun and a bit unexpected.
Games Played: 100 (63/16/21)
TD Diff: 89 (179 - 90)
Cas Diff: 46 (130/97/47 - 111/80/37)
My all-time favourite team of my own teams are also the first to hit the mark! Sweet! Played most against chaos, and then rats, orcs, humans and darkelves come after that. Hardest opponent? Haha, amazons! 0/1/3
The stars are getting old, and the blitzers are rookies. So they wont probably last long in xfl. But who knows? Both majors they have entered they have won their group and been 1 of 8 best teams in that tourney. Mighty happy for that!
Posted by SillySod on 2008-11-24 01:32:11
Nice, if only they werent zons :)
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2008-11-24 01:33:08
Have you checked their pics??? Silly... you should know better. ;-D