Posted by SillySod on 2008-11-12 02:43:12
o.O report it?
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2008-11-12 03:28:36
What? A guy conceded? So?
Posted by OneEye on 2008-11-12 04:46:34
Lol funny! May well have been his first tournament but still... concede in the FUMBBL Cup suggests he didn't quite realise what he was in for. LAME!
Posted by OneEye on 2008-11-12 04:47:53
Just checked and he has coach standing in the 200's... OMG! SUPER LAME!
Posted by Nemeton on 2008-11-12 07:21:06
Well that seems especially silly with the new changes to the tournament rules that now state: "Concessions are not allowed in R tournaments. Conceeding will attract a one month ban, or greater, from all R tournaments. "
Posted by Russo on 2008-11-12 09:08:11
Yes that is most disapointing for all those that did not make it that far, basically handing his opponant one or two free Star Players and distorting the competition I would say a ban from Majors for two years is not unwarrented as he has shown behaviour that is unsporting and disrespectful to other coaches.
Posted by erased000026 on 2008-11-12 10:07:01
Agreed Russo!
especially as i have to face hi mif both he and I win our next game:( DO NOT WANT!!!!
Posted by JanMattys on 2008-11-12 13:59:58
New ranks in lameness.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2008-11-12 16:31:17
So what? It's just a game.
Posted by PigStar-69 on 2008-11-12 19:56:54
A dissgrace !
Posted by paulhicks on 2008-11-12 20:33:24
Ok guys we may be over- reacting a little bit here. Yeah it sucks that he conceeded but i'd guess that being new to tournies he didn't think about how it would affect the other teams still to play his opponent.
As for teh new rules about conceeding in tournies if i remember correctly (and please tell me if im wrong) it was posted as a news item rather than us getting the usual rules update page we get the first time we join after a new rule has come in (the one you cant get past till you agree again) and not everyone reads the news. no excuse maybe and i doubt it will save him from the consequences but its worth thinking about.
Why exactly didn't we get the new "yes i agree page" if the site rules had been changed?
so yeah... it was sucky to conceed and yeah he'll get punnished but lets try and keep things in proportion.
on a side note i played papafury once and had a blast. my biggest reaction to this was simply to be shocked that he conceeded apparently due to casualties.
Posted by DonTomaso on 2008-11-12 20:40:19
The point is that papafury fouls a lot, and now someone did it to him with a stronger team, and thus he bailed to save his team and not wanting to lose bigtime.
Agrees with Enar. Except that I said a few words.
Posted by paulhicks on 2008-11-12 20:49:35
I get that don. as i said at the end it sucks if thats what he did and i hope in time he'll learn to accept and enjoy the woopings.
what i dont get is the streangth of everyones reactions about it and if if was the most appaling thing ever to happen on fumbbl.
i personaly thought there was a lot wrong in the fc (or the little of it of bothered to check out) with teams that had a truely shamefull cherrypicking record throughout their entire history before joining the fc and the teams that had blatently been pimped by being fed soft teams by a long series of friends.
Posted by paulhicks on 2008-11-12 20:50:16
oh and since when is 4.31 fouls per game "a lot"???? ;P
Posted by Shimin on 2008-11-12 21:09:49
Mostly i think it is very disappointing for that player that lost a spot thx to him, but since there was a tourney filler, i dont think that to be much of a problem.
As to him getting ekstra money that sucks, but as for the ekstra MVP, he might have gotten a lot more from the game in terms of spp instead of only 14 all in all.
Posted by pythrr on 2008-11-13 00:36:44
From his bio:
<harvestmouse> papafury, i met a guy yesterday who told me you were the most vicious player on fumbbl
<Bytez0r56> congratulations papafury, you have just proven the theori, that there is no limit to human stupidity
Sums the whole thing up nicely.....