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Last seen 7 years ago
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2014-09-23 12:33:38
5 votes, rating 5.8
Lustrian Challenge threats and all. Greenskin Rotters want your eads.Come out and Plaaay !
This is the Rotters and I'm calling you out, cause we got blood to Spill Oi Slim chance Brigade your Rooster we're gunna collect your head and kick it round for practise. see how agile you are den! what about dem Vamps nuffle can suck it eh? we got a special vengeance against you coz you took out Chainsaw's Pig Sty Alley and dat was our job not yours. so be sure to wear your diapers. who else we got?? Fleetfoot's Revenge uhmm well we dont want to say anyfink too bad bout those Orc lads do we. (JUst hope you trip and break your ankle or somfink cause dey look mean.) and all those rumours about me orc lads crying and sobbing that we have to play ya thats just rumours ok. NOw the Offenbacher Kickers and dem Destroyers we eard its not nice to say bad things bout ya cause we know dat you eat a snotlings for dinner and worship some sorta demon king and I have seen dis horns and dey are BIG, so just watch it ok? (and dont hurt us). Now Candlejack we got issues with you too. Coz you coached a team which beat us, but dat is ok cause we wernt any good back den, So now we gunna return the favour... WE got issues with da rest of ya too, but we gotta fink a bit more first to figure it out...
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Posted by gamelsetlmatch on 2014-09-23 14:21:02

Good luck and have fun, too!
Posted by Relezite on 2014-09-23 14:58:22
Oh gosh is it that kind of party?

Imma make sure to wear my slow-ass orc stomping hat.

Just, just not when Malmir is looking...
Posted by IndiJuno on 2014-09-23 18:48:06
OOooh dem be Fighting words!! ;)
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-09-23 21:25:34
Go Malmir! Go Fleetfoot! Bloat is a lie!